Chapter 6: Care Bear

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After the meeting had been over and they had all begun to go their separate ways, Sam and Becky had taken Lincoln and Carol towards his room. While a little cramped, they all got as comfortable as they could. Carol sat on the desk chair, Sam leaned against the door while Becky and Lincoln sat on the bed with Lincoln sitting in between Becky's legs as she wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on his head. Sam couldn't help but notice that Carol looked a little envious of their redheaded friend.
"Well that was fun." Sam said once everyone was situated. "I'm surprised that I didn't walk out of there with a black eye."

"I wouldn't have let it go that far, you know." Lincoln said from his spot on the bed. He was leaning against Becky's rather nice bosom and he was very comfortable. "Besides, Lynn hits hard so I suggest you never get into a fight with her."

This caused Sam to raise an eye. "Are you saying that I can't take her in a fight?"

Lincoln turned to Carol and completely ignored Sam. "So Carol, you did a pretty good job in there as Becky's lawyer. I think that you're gonna make a great one in the future."

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Sam walked over to the bed where they were sitting and flicked Lincoln on the forehead.

"Ow! That hurt..." Lincoln rubbed his forehead before turning towards Carol and pouted. "Care Bear! Sam's being mean to me!"

" I have to come over there?" Carol asked, playing along with Lincoln.

"Oh come on, I barely flicked him." Sam said with a roll of her eyes. "Besides, he's the one who said that I can't take his sister on in a fight."

"To be fair, I don't think you could take me on in a fight." Lincoln said as he looked up at Sam.

"Oooh, snap!" Becky giggled. "He's saying that he could kick your ass, girl!"

Sam crossed her arms underneath her chest and looked down at Lincoln, doing her best scary Lori impression. "Is that a challenge?" She asked in a deadly cool tone.

Lincoln didn't even flinch. "Yes."

You could hear a pin fall down in the background as the whistling sound from the westerns crossed the room. Neither Sam nor Lincoln blinked as they held their stare down. Becky looked on with an eager grin on her face while Carol looked concerned, they weren't really going to fight, were they?

"Give me a few days to get a place ready and then I'm gonna kick your ass, Ace. You're gonna be no match for the Card Sharp." Sam said with a grin. She extended her arm out and held her fist in front of him.

Lincoln smiled and he bumped his fist against hers. "I'm gonna show you why Ace Savvy is the Savviest hero around."

"Are they really gonna fight?" Carol asked Becky.

"Who knows? Either way, I'm in for a show!" Becky grinned.

"Don't worry, Carol, I'm not gonna hurt the cub too badly." Sam said with a smirk. "And speaking of, hey cub, don't you think that we should thank Carol for helping us?" She asked Lincoln.

"Yea, you were a great help to us back there. Thanks a bunch!" Lincoln said as he flashed her his winning smile.

Carol felt her cheek warm up and her heart skip a beat. He looked so adorably cute when he smiled at her, his little chipped buck teeth poking out from underneath his lip. And his cute turkey tail waving at her like a flag atop his head.

"Y-You're welcome. What are friends for?" She said, barely fighting back her urge to squeal and pull him into a hug.

"You know, Linc, you should do something for Carol as thanks..." Becky began with a grin that he couldn't see. But Carol did and she knew that their plan had begun.

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