Chapter 4: Lynnsanity's Shot!

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Lynn took a deep breath as she tried to steady her nerves. She could do this!

It was nearing 6pm and it had taken Lola the better part of two hours to get her ready. First, they gave Lynn a bath and much to her embarrassment, Lucy and Lola had joined her in order to make sure that she cleaned herself up well. And after that they started to give her a makeover. And much to her surprise, it wasn't as painful as she thought it would be.

Currently, she was standing in front of Lincoln's door. She was dressed in her usual red and white jersey and red basketball shorts. But there were subtle differences in her appearance that Lola assured her would work to grab Linc's attention. The first being that she had on a light shade of makeup. Nothing too fancy, just a little blush, some eyeliner, and very light lipstick.

"Brows. Lashes. Lips." Lola had told her. "It only takes five minutes to frame the face and it's simple to do."

And as much as Lynn hated to admit it, Lola had been right. She could tell that her femine features were enhanced and that she could be considered pretty by average standards.

The second thing that was different was that her hair wasn't done in a ponytail. No, this time she had brushed it, or rather, Lola and Lucy had fought for the better part of 20 minutes with a brush in order to tame her hair. It was nice and soft and it moved almost like water or at least Lola said that it did. She really couldn't tell. But her biggest advantage was that she was wearing the black hairband that Lucy had enchanted to keep her hair out of her face. She honestly felt stupid wearing it but she did think that she looked a litter better with her hair like that.

Once they had finished, Lola and Lucy pushed her out of the room and told her to hurry up and make her move before their parents showed up from work. And that's where Lynn found herself right now. Standing outside of her brother's room, unable to knock on the door that she had barged into a thousand times before.
"For fucks sake..." Lynn heard Lucy mutter from somewhere next to her and then to her horror, she watched as Lucy reached out and knocked on Lincoln's door and then seemingly vanished into Lola's room. Or at least that's what it looked like to her as she stood frozen in the hallway as she heard Lincoln get up from his bed and make his way over to the door.

"Yes?" He asked as he opened the door. And when he saw that it was Lynn, his eyes widened a bit before he looked away from her, his cheeks sporting a rosy blush. "O-Oh hey, Lynn. What can I do ya for?"

"Um..." Lynn glanced behind her and saw that Lola and Lucy were peeking out from the door through a crack in the door. "I...wanted to talk to you?"

Despite it sounding like a question, Lynn was glad that Lincoln stepped aside and let her in. He closed the door behind him and made his way over to his bed. He sat down motioned for her to take his desk chair.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Lincoln asked but for some reason he was keeping his eyes everywhere but her.

"I...uh...wanted to apologize..." Lynn started. She could already feel herself starting to turn red. "I shouldn't have punched you. I'm sorry."

"N-No worries..." Lincoln said with a weak chuckle. "I, uh, kind of deserved it..."

Lynn looked up from her lap towards her brother's face and noted that while his cheeks were slightly pink, he also wore an expression that was remorseful. That was a word that she had learned from reading Lucy's romance novels. B-But she only read them for the plot! NOthing ELSE!

"What do you mean?" She couldn't help but ask him.

Lincoln sighed before he let his shoulders slump. "I shouldn't have stared at you..." He said slowly. He shook his head and placed his hand on his face, covering it for a moment. "I should have looked away the moment you reached down for your shirt. I mean, I'm still confused why you did it in the first place but I knew right away what you were gonna do. I could have turned around and looked away but I didn't..."

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