Chapter 12: The Recruitment

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Wednesday morning had come and Lynn couldn't believe what she was hearing. And neither could Lucy if her stillness was anything to go by. Standing before them was their older sister, Luna, and she was telling them something that neither could believe.

"Can you say that again? I think I must have something in my ears." Lynn said as she stuck her pinkie into her left ear. "It sounded like you said that Carol slept with Lincoln last night."

"I did say that, Bruh." Luna confirmed. She had come into her sisters' room in order to break the news to them first before they found out from someone else. After all, she was on a mission and it wouldn't do to have Lynn fly off of the handle when it mattered most.

Lynn's expression changed from disbelief to anger. "Carol? As in Carol Pingrey?" When Luna nodded, Lynn jumped off of her bed. "That fucking whore! I knew that goody good girl routine was just an act! She's just as loose as that other bitch!"

"Lynn, you need to calm down!" Luna said, glaring at her younger sister and planting her fists on her hips. "Those are my friends you're talking about, bruh!"

"Well your friends need to stop spreading their legs to every dick that walks their way!" Lynn shot back. And to Luna's surprise, she saw Lucy nod in agreement.

"Lynn is right, Luna, it seems that all of your friend have a habit of fucking on the first date." Lucy said, her tone surprisingly venomous. Even Lynn was shocked by hearing Lucy curse with such ferocity. But Lucy wasn't done. "Sam, Becky, Carol, they've all slept with our brother on the first date. They claim to love him but how do we know that for sure? What if they're just using him?" Lucy stood on her bed in order to look down on Luna, clenching her tiny fists at her sides. "How long till they grow tired of their toy and toss him aside, breaking his heart in the process? How can you be sure that your friends aren't going to hurt him?"

Both Lynn and Luna looked up at Lucy, whose body was trembling with emotion which in and of itself was a first for them, seeing tears roll down her cheeks. They couldn't see her eyes because of her hair but they knew that she was glaring at Luna, her eyes teary and her cheeks red.

"Listen, dudes, I think that we got off on the wrong foot here." Luna said, trying to calm her sisters down. "I wanted to be the first to tell you because there's something else that I needed to say. But right now might not be the perfect time to say it."

"Say it." Lucy spat, her voice sharp with silent fury. The dark haired girl had yet to raise her voice which gave her such an ominous aura around her because she still spoke in her normal monotone.

Lynn crossed her arms across her chest. "Spill it, Luna, and depending on what it is, maybe I won't go and beat Sam within an inch of her life."

Luna wanted to respond to Lynn's threat but even she knew that Lynn could kick her ass. She wasn't like Lori who practiced self defense when she was younger. Sure, Lori had taught her enough that she could defend herself and hold her own. But Lynn trained even beyond what Lori knew and Luna had seen Lynn take down grown men at her tournaments that were three times her size. When Lynn said that she could kick your ass, she meant it.

"Okay, but first, I just have one question..." Luna glanced over her shoulder, checking to see if she could hear anyone outside in the hall. When she didn't hear anyone, she moved in closer to her sisters and raised her right hand up to her mouth in order to form half a cup. "Are you two also in love with Linc?"

Both Lynn and Lucy reacted but in different ways. Lynn flinched and took a step back, her eyes widening like a deer in the headlight. Lucy on the other hand remained still except for a slight change in her posture that went unnoticed by the other two.

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