Chapter 9: The Morning After

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Sam couldn't believe what was happening right now. She was sitting in her garage alongside Becky and Carol while Lincoln sat on a chair beside them. And sitting in front of her was none other than Fiona, a girl she knew from school but never really interacted with her. And why would she? Fiona was a year or two older than her and in another grade. And did she mention that it was around 11 at night? It was pretty late on a tuesday to be dealing with drama.

"I can't believe you guys did it in the dressing room." Sam sighed with a shake of her head. "What is wrong with you two?"

"That's rich, coming from you!" Carol said as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I know all about how you and Lincoln first hooked up in the very same dressing room!"

"Wait, you two had sex in the dressing room too?" Fiona asked, her eyes going from Lincoln to Sam and back. She then turned towards Becky. "Did you fuck in there as well?"

"Pfft, no, I still haven't had the chance to make love to my White Russian outside of this garage, sadly." Becky said with a shake of her head. She then turned to look at the two blondes who were trying to look innocent beside her. "Apparently, you need to be blonde to be allowed to fuck out in public."

"Hey now, that's not true!" Sam protested. When Becky gave her a look, she kind of faltered. "...You just need to...Ace, help me out here."

"Fiona, we didn't really plan for that to happen." Lincoln began as he took over for one of his girlfriends. "Carol and I were on a date, with their permission I might add, and after a night of dancing under the moonlight, we shared a kiss and then things spiraled from there."

"It was a very good kiss." Carol added helpfully.

"So you two really did give them permission to date?" Fiona asked the two girls in question.

"Well, to be fair, I never expected Carol to be the type of girl to put out on the first date." Sam said. "That's what the third date is supposed to be for."

"It's funny because right before we got the text from Carol, I was asking Sam if she would actually do it or not." Becky said with a laugh. "I should've bet money on it!"

"You do realize I'm sitting right here, right?" Carol asked her friend.

"So? You put out on the first date, girl, deal with it." Becky said with a grin.

"Wait, so then he was telling the truth all along?" Fiona asked, just to clarify. "He wasn't cheating on you at all?"

"No, Fiona, Ace didn't cheat on us. And yes, he had our permission. Now can we drop it? I'm getting a little sleepy now, it's been a long day." Sam said. And to prove her point, she let out a loud yawn.

"Alright..." Fiona said with a nod. She released a breath that she had been holding before she turned to look at Lincoln. "I'm sorry for accusing you of being a cheater."

"No worries." Lincoln said with a wave of his hand. "It could've happened to anyone."

"You really are a nice guy, aren't you, Lincoln?" Fiona asked with a smile at his kindness.

"That's nothing, my white russian is one of the sweetest, most caring guys around!" Becky bragged as she leaned over and pinched one of his cheeks. "He's so cute and cuddly too!"

"And he's a beast in the sack." Fiona added.

"Yea, that too!" Becky agreed.

"Which brings me to my next point." Fiona said as she prepared herself mentally for what she was about to ask. "I want to fuck him."

"Sure, so long as he's okay with it." Sam said with a shrug.

This threw Fiona for a loop. "W-What? Seriously? Just like that?"

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