Chapter 3: Magic and Makeovers

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"You know that this will never work, right?" Lynn asked as she stared at her younger sister.

"Sister, you have to have faith. After all, isn't he worth it?" Lucy asked as she sat cross legged in front of a ritual circle. She was just finishing up the final touches of her spell and Lynn was ruining her concentration.

"But how is this gonna help us?" Lynn asked.

Lucy had asked her to come to the attic in order to help them both get what they desired. At first, Lynn was just gonna ignore her and spend the rest of her life in bed. It sounded a lot easier than doing whatever this was with Lucy. But in the end her curiosity and hope got the best of her she forced herself out of bed and up to the attic. Lucy was in the middle of preparing a magic circle or something like that and she asked for Lynn to help her.

I'm going to cast a spell that will make us irresistible to Lincoln so long as we hold the enchanted item." Lucy said. The circle was done now and all she had to do was say the magic words. "Now silence, I need to invoke the words of power."

Lynn rolled her eyes as she listened to Lucy spout some gibberish in another language. And just as she was about to say something else, there was a small explosion in the middle of the magic circle and Lynn was thrown back into some boxes that held old clothes. She quickly dug herself out and looked in the direction of the explosion in order to try and see if her sister was hurt.

"Lucy!" She shouted only to stop when she saw her sister standing in the middle of the circle holding something that was glowing.

Lucy turned around and Lynn could see that the hairband that they had chosen to use for the spell was glowing faintly with a greenish black glow. Then after a few more seconds, the glowing stopped and it looked like a normal headband.

"Success." Lucy said with a small grin.

"What...the...fuck..." Lynn breathed out. There was no way in hell that that magic bullshit was real. Was there? "Lucy, what the hell was that?"

"This, dear sister, will be the key to our success in seducing our brother." Lucy explained as she held out the hairband.

"W-What will it do?" Lynn asked. She took the hairband with slightly trembling hands and she could feel that this thing had some sort of powers.

"Put it on and it will enhance your femenine features and Lincoln won't be able to resist you." Lucy said.

"But...this isn't how I wanted to be with him." Lynn said as she lowered her head a bit. "I wanted to be with him because he was in love with me, not because of some dumb spell!"

"Lynn, this spell won't make Lincoln fall in love with us. It will only make us look more appealing to him if we use it. He already has to have feelings for us in order for this to work. If he's not attracted to us then it will have no effect on him." Lucy explained.

Lynn looked at the item in her hands as if she were holding a superbowl trophy. Her eyes were wide with disbelief and a fearful hope that maybe, just maybe, she could finally win over her brother. Her whole body trembled and Lynn wasn't sure if it was from excitement or in awe of the magical item in her possession.

"Now go shower, sister, and look your best." Lucy told her as she made her way down.

Lynn was rooted in her spot for a moment longer before she sprang into action and went to get herself cleaned up. She had a chance and she wasn't going to let something like bad hygiene ruin it.


Lincoln was currently in his kitchen making his favorite sandwich for himself and his little sister, Lily. She was the only one in the family who liked to eat his favorite snack and since he was spending time with her, he decided it was time for a snack. Lily was helping him make the sandwich and by that he meant that she was currently covering herself with peanut butter all over her body while giggling to herself. Lincoln chuckled as he put the things away and began to clean up the mess.

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