Chapter 13: The Talk

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It was late on Wednesday when Lincoln finally got a chance to speak with his sister Lori. After giving his girlfriend a kiss goodbye, Lincoln asked Lori if he could talk to her in his room. And as he sat down on his bed next to her, the first thought that came to him was how pretty she looked. She was wearing her normal everyday clothes and she had a little bit of bed hair from her nap with Carol. But as she smiled at him, Lincoln couldn't help it when his heart began to beat just a little bit faster.

"What did you want to talk about, Lincoln?" Lori asked. She brushed part of her hair back behind her ear and smiled, looking expectantly at him and letting him know that he could be open with her. And he loved that about his big sister.

He suddenly felt nervous, he could feel himself begin to sweat a little bit. After all, he was about to confess to his oldest sister about kissing their younger sisters. But he knew that he could trust Lori so he swallowed his doubts and spoke. "I wanted to let you know what happened with the twins and I earlier."

"Oh? Did you ground them for a week?" Lori asked playfully. Among all of their siblings, Lincoln was the most lax when it came to disciplining the twins. He had a soft spot for them and rarely grounded them for more than a couple of days.

"N-No, I didn't ground them." Lincoln said with a shake of his head.

" know that going easy on them will only make it harder for them to take you seriously later on. If you don't discipline them then they're not going to see you as their old brother and they will see you only as some guy that they can do anything with." Lori said, not knowing just how close to the truth she was.

"W-What if, hypothetically speaking, I found out something that none of us ever thought possible?" Lincoln asked. "And what if, because of what I discovered...I may...havekissthetwins?"

That last part came out quickly but Lincoln couldn't help it. He felt like a little kid confessing to something he did wrong. But it seemed like Lori did hear him.

"What, like on the cheek?" She asked him, more amused than anything else.

But Lincoln shook his head. "O-On the mouth..."

Lori laughed. "Lincoln, it's okay to give them a little peck on the lips. It's nothing to worry about."

"But w-what if they're in love with me?" Lincoln finally asked, his eyes glued on his knees.

"Come again?"

"What if...Lola and Lana confessed to me?" Lincoln summed up his courage and looked up at his sister's face. He expected to see her shocked and perhaps angry. But while he did see surprise in her expression, he also saw something that looked like...hope and understanding? He wasn't completely sure but something told him that Lori understood what was going on.

"So the twins have a little crush on their big brother, huh?" She said playfully. But while she smiled at him, he noticed that it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"They said that it wasn't a crush...that they were in love with me." Lincoln said, unsure of what was going on. Of all of the reactions he expected from Lori, this wasn't one of them. She seemed calm, if a little anxious, and like she didn't want to talk about it. She was trying to play it off and something about that made Lincoln wonder why she wasn't taking it seriously.

"Linc, they're seven. What do they know about love?" She asked him, staring in his eyes.

If there was an expert in love, it would probably be Lori since she had been dating Bobby for almost 2 years now. "They seemed serious..." Lincoln said. "When I kissed them, it wasn't like I was kissing my felt...different."

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