Kou Tong restrained the slightly improper smile on his face. "Fine, no more nonsense. With you investigating Xue Xiaolu's background, aren't you a little uneasy and planning to make everyone change to another base of operations?"

Su Qing stared. After a moment, he smiled wryly. "...In all honesty."

Kou Tong looked at him and slowly nodded. "They can plant people in the RZ Unit, so you suspect that the connections General Xiong left you will also have problems. That's normal—Utopia... If one day you find that the people you buy breakfast with, clock in and go to work with, are likely the chief culprits in secretly draining your energy, making you turn bit by bit into a lunatic, are the source of infection for a most horrifying plague, that's the most horrifying thing. The most basic sense of trust between people, based on the foundation of 'similarity,' will collapse. Without trust, what will this world turn into?"

Su Qing looked at him, head covered in sweat. "...Brother, could we leave the hipster literature and art discussion for a better occasion?"

Kou Tong's words paused. His eyes swept over his face. He shook his head with a smile that wasn't quite a smile. "Actually, for both gay and straight people, you really are a very fascinating person. I truly mean that."

Su Qing felt sweat dripping down. "Could we not move on to seduction after the literature and art?"

Kou Tong obligingly changed the subject. "Where are you planning to move? Do you have any ideas?"

Su Qing shook his head.

Kou Tong suggested, "What do you think of...the ST Training Base?"

Su Qing stared.

Kou Tong laughed. "Hiding in plain sight. The most dangerous place is the safest. Anyway, Zhong Shiliang is a good comrade."

Su Qing frowned.

Kou Tong continued: "It's only a suggestion. You still need to get Captain Hu's view on this. I think that the ST base has weapons and equipment. It's rather suitable for rebellion... Oh, no, I mean, for defending world peace. You can mention it to him. I figure that he won't take the time to listen to me now."

"Thank you."

"Actually, you don't need to be too worried," Kou Tong said suddenly.

Su Qing looked at him a little uncomprehendingly.

"I have a premonition." One of Kou Tong's long, slim fingers tapped against his own temple. "The noon sun must sink, and the full moon must wane. Utopia has reached its summit. It's time for its decline. Its establishment is improper, full of all kinds of selfish desires. Its fall will also be quick."

Su Qing thought that he was truly too optimistic.

Kou Tong laughed softly and patted the back of his hand. "Really. The reason this world exists is that the sun will always rise. So I believe that night isn't eternal. Of course, if it is eternal, then there's still nothing to fear. Your family, friends, and loved ones are all here. Later, everyone will fade away together. It's not like you'll leave this world all on your own. It's not mournful."

For some reason, Su Qing thought that out of everything he had said, these words were somewhat reliable. So he nodded and laughed. "OK, I'll rely on your good wishes."

Then he made to go inside, but Kou Tong was still leaning by the door. He drew back his arms and crossed them over his chest. When he looked sidelong at Su Qing, the corner of his eye looked a little long, revealing a slightly less steady appearance than usual. He suddenly said, "You know, if you want to maintain a relationship between two people, one of them inevitably has to take some initiative."

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