Chapter 28: Lifeline

Start from the beginning

Yang was the only one who held the answer, she just didn't remember it. The events of the night ten years ago have been buried deep. The girl refused to remember the exact events that transpired. The only thing that she couldn't hide away from was the loss of her brother. The only fact of that night that was inescapable. 

The only thing they could do was wait to be cleared and report to Ozpin for their explanation of the events of tonight.

Y/n Pov

Same Time

I made all necessary arrangements. I was fucked but I had a way out, I just wished that it didn't involve serving myself up to Ozpin on a silver plater. The messages that I sent out too Junior and Torchwick were straight-forward. "Been busted, keep doing your thing and I'll be back when I can". I could only speculate what Ozpin would do once he gets ahold of me. Most likely prison.... Yeah, probably prison....

I double checked my backup drives and seeing that they were saved. I took out my crowbar and started smashing my equipment. Couldn't risk it being hacked into now that it was potentially burned, and if I cant have it, no-one can. My only regret is that I never got anything incriminating off of the wiretap I placed at the police station. There was always next time.... If I somehow pulled this off. I only had to negotiate with one of the most intelligent men on remnant. For how much of a fool he is, cant deny the man his intelligence.

I looked over my busted and shattered equipment, satisfied that there wouldn't be anything pulled off of it. All the information that I had was my lifeline. If I lost any of it, I really would be screwed. I looked over at my weapons rack and debated destroying them too but dismissed the idea. If for some reason any of my normal equipment was destroyed beyond repair, then I would have the weapons and suits that I have stored as backups. 

I gathered everything I was bringing which wasn't much. Just Black and White, the grapple gun and my combat knife. I needed to go in light. If I walked in there armed to the teeth, all it would do is come off as aggression and that is the exact opposite of what I needed right now. Grabbing the flash drive that was quite literally my life at the moment and a black hoodie, I began making my way to Beacon.... Something tells me that this is not going to go well....


12:10 AM

316 Days to the Fall

I was arriving at Beacon academy in a... "Borrowed" Bullhead. The pilot was fine but he was going to have a slight headache when he woke up. I set it down as best as I could considering that I wasn't properly trained in piloting it. After that, I powered it down and took a moment to gather myself. This was the lions den and unlike every other time I've done some stupid shit like this, this actually had consequences that I would rather avoid if at all possible. Getting shot was one thing, having my family find out that I was still alive after ten years wasn't. Not only that, what would happen to them if it came out that they were related to me? That was something that I would rather avoid.

I adjusted my hood and stepped out of the Bullhead. The courtyard was empty, which was to be expected since it was midnight. I kept my head down as I walked. I was suspicious enough as it was without me advertising my mask. It's been so many years since I've stepped foot on Beacon grounds. I was maybe seven the last time I was here. It looked exactly as I remembered it, which made it easier to navigate. 

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