I'd be damned if I said I didn't feel so tempted. The man smelled so good and divine.

I press a hand to his chest. The muscles go tense at my touch. I find myself wanting to feel every sculptured muscle and well-defined abs his body had to offer and graze my fingers over his warm naked skin.

Heat pools in my stomach at that thought, giving way to a fluttery feeling that tickled my insides and sent shivers down my spine.

I need to get a grip or I might just loose control.

Aran drops me onto the passenger's seat of his car not so carefully and shuts the door before I could get a word out. He settles in next to me and starts the engine.

The car smelled exactly like him with the toxic smoke of his cigarette that fills the space between us. The aura that radiated off of him was that of power so dangerous you wouldn't think of crossing him, pure toxicity and something....dominant and feral that demanded your immediate attention.

While I busy myself with the seatbelt, Aran puffs away at his cigarette and drives off to an unknown destination.

I try not to freak out as I clutch my hand bag tightly and eye him warily. "Where are you taking me? Is this another ploy of yours to get me killed?"

"Trust me, sweetheart. If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you the day you were brought to me and honestly, nothing is stopping me from doing that now." He surprisingly answers with a nonchalant shrug, not bothering to make eye contact with me.

I didn't panic like I expected to. I felt calm as I gazed out the window. It's not until the familiar building that slowly came into view did I feel the familiar wave of worry surge through my body.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, my heart rate starting to pick up speed the minute the car slows down and stops right in front of the high school.

Why did he bring me here? What on earth is he planning to do this time? Oh God! This can't be good.

Aran dispose the cigarette out the window and turns to stare at me with a wild, dangerous glitter in his eyes. "For clarification."

My confusion deepens. "What do you mean by that?"

He hesitates for a while in anonyance like shooting a bullet through my skull would be a much better option than answering my question.

I couldn't bring myself to care. The deep sense of uneasiness I feel at this moment made it impossible for me to worry about anything else but for the reason why we were here.

"You see that man over there?" He points to the tall building across.

I squint my eyes to see who he was referring to but the blinding rays of the sun made it hard.


"Goddammit." He expels a frustrated sigh and tilts my head to the direction he pointed at with a finger under my chin. "Do you see him now?"

I raise a hand to shield the blinding light and looked again. "Yes I see him." I answer upon sighting the man on top of the tall building.

"The man is a very experienced hitman. He never misses his target. Just a call from me and he shoots your daughter."

My blood runs cold.

I cast a glance at the tall building again to see the man holding a gun that's aimed directly at my daughter who is chatting animatedly with her friends, oblivious to the looming danger.

The tightness in my lungs makes it hard to breathe.

I look back at Aran, the sinister look on his face chilled me to the bones, paralyzing my whole body in what I assumed to be fear. It makes me wonder how a person could be this....this wicked.

The Spawn of LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now