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When i woke up this morning all i could think about was her. It's been a while since i had confessed to her but her answer is still same and wont even tell me the reason. Its not like we weren't good friends so why not.
Then thinking all this i reached at the café and saw her working probably baking something. She was whisking the batter and i adored her from a distance. Her mole on left cheek hidden under her bangs that touched her chin everytime she moved her head to keep them from blurring her vision.
I went towards her and smiled and she smiled back. My eyes were pleading enough but she acted like didn't know.

"Rory will uh please listen to me for once?", I said filled with anger and frustration

"You and me we both know what you are going to ask me and what my answer is. Now, don't we?",
She said cupping my cheeks, with both her hands which were holding a spatula before, and she stared right into my soul via my eyes. She had told me before how she adored brown eyes more than any other so i let her be . She was lost. I began talking knowing she isn't listening.

"Why Rory? Why the hell you can't? Why is it difficult? My voice was getting wheezy but still i managed to complete my sentence. What is it you are afraid of rory? what is it Rory please i love you so much. I know that you know it and i know you love me too. Then why?? ", a small sob escaped my lips but then i realised she was zoning out staring into my eyes.

I carefully placed my hands on her shoulders and jerked her body gently. I was worried as hell. What the hell happened? As she slowly came back to senses i asked her

"Rory!! Are uh okayy?? What happened?? Are you sick? You should have stayed home today? Didn't I tell you not to overwork yourself?", I scolded her and kept passing her death glares.

I rolled sleeves of my shirt upto my elbows and began making a classic cappuccino from the coffee machine but i could feel myself buried under her stare. She was staring at my back. I was wearing clothes but her stare made me feel like i was exposed to her. I focused on the coffee but i didn't want to do anything we'd both regret. Mostly because i had promised myself not to lay a finger on her until she says yess to being my girlfriend.

Although that didn't meant i won't fantasize about her. Every night I'd think of the things i wanna do to her, to tie her up, choke her throat with my hand and play with her, untill she cries out of pleasure. I was lost in these thoughts and i turned immediately to tell her to stop staring. Just when i turned i saw her standing so close to me that we stumbled and my hand gripped the counter while she ended up falling a lil on me, her hand was over my nipple, her knee pressing between my legs and to make it evn worse she stared up blankly at my face. I tried hard not to look, no. not to stare cuz if i did i knew I'd kiss her right away and make her a mess. But she didn't deserve that. She needed to be worshipped not messed with. I didn't looked but she knew i was stealing glances at her face. My breathing was loud and uneven and i was trying hard to stay calm.

With her innocent face she asked, " are uh stressed about something?", still grinding on just the tip of my dick.

"The hell with stress. Here she was grinding on me asking me such stupid questions as if she didn't know what was happening to me.",

I took a deep breath. I licked and then bit my lower lip and shook my head as a no to her question. And then just for a split second i think I saw her smirking.

But then again she said,"Then stop squishing my boob like a stress toy".

As soon as i heard these words i realised where my hand has been all this time and why looking away wasn't working to stop myself from getting a boner. Upon realisation i could feel her boob in my hand and that sent sparks in my body down to my abdomen but i didn't took long to remove my hand. She slightly hit a tad bit hard between my legs and that was enough to give a complete boner . She was getting away after hitting me but i held both of her small wrists in my hand and pinned them on her back. I stared at her intensely, the boner twitching in my pants causing me to gulp with each stare. Then i decided to have some fun and i moved my other hand around her waist while resting my face in crook of her neck, inhaling in her scent. My hands were dying to move a lil bit lower to her peach and make her moan but no i should treat her better , so much better than this.

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