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ANDI AND CHAN WALKED INTO the studio. The room was filled with boutiques of white roses. Andi was speechless as for Chan, he was confused. The two had just finished filming a skz code video and we're looking forward to finally being able to work on their music. "Who did this?" She asked as she tried to make her way into the room.

"There's a note in this one," Chan said, taking it and passing it to Andi.
"Andi, please answer my calls. I just want to talk. I love you. Devon." The Latina sighed as she closed her eyes. Chan watched her carefully. She walked over to the trash can and dropped the card in. Then she pulled out her phone and made a call, "Eric, can you send someone to clear out the studio and make sure Devon Carpenter is banned from sending or stopping by. Thanks, I appreciate it."

Not even a minute later, JYPE staff members came rushing in, picking up the bouquets and taking them with them. Andi took a seat on the couch and watched, the once full room was not empty leaving Chan and Andi. The Australian idol took a seat next to her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's not much to talk about. He just can't take a hint. I've blocked him on everything including his number. I want to move on and just leave him in the past but it feels like the song is only making things harder."

"Why do you say that?"

"I feel like the song makes him feel like I am not over him yet." She said as she ran a hand through her hair as looked at the floor. "Are you?" Andi looked up turning her head to look at Chan. "Over him? Yes, what I am not over is what he did to me. That's something I'll never be able to forgive. I wanted to marry this man, I gave him every part of me and still, I wasn't enough. That shit takes a toll on someone."

Chan sat beside her, placing a hand on her back. "Is that why you sound so unsure about a solo project?"

Andi eyes watered as she nodded, "I used to be so sure of everything. Now I can't help but keep asking is it enough? Am I enough? Will I ever be enough?" Chan's heart sank, "Hey, come here." The Australian man opened his arms, wrapping around Andi and pulling her into his chest. The Latina rested her head on his chest as he laid back. Chan rubbed her back, soothing her. "I don't understand how someone could be so lucky to have you and just fuck it up. You'd always be enough for me, more than enough." He said under his breath.

Andi looked up at Chan as he brushed a strand of her hair away from her face. He was sure Andi wouldn't hear but with how close they were she had and it made her heart flutter. Chan looked at her, slowly leaning down as the Latina did the same. "Hey, Andi!" Both Chan and Andi pulled apart as Seungmin came into the room.

The Latina fixed her hair. "Did I interrupt something?"

Both Chan and Andi shook their heads, "Okay? Uh, there's someone looking for you. They're in the lobby."
Confused Andi nodded before getting up. "I think you should go with her. This guy wouldn't give me his name and said he wouldn't leave until Andi came down. Security is keeping an eye on him but something's off." Chan nodded following after Andi.

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Once downstairs, Andi was told that her guest had been moved to a waiting room. Chan ran after her grabbing her arm, "Hey I don't know who's waiting for you but Seungmin sounded worried. I'll give you, your space but it'd make feel better if I stayed nearby." The Latina smiled, "That's fine. I really appreciate you looking out for me." Chan nodded and watched as Andi stepped into the waiting room freezing in her tracks.

"Devon." He'd cut his hair since she last saw him. He looked good.

"Thank god. I told them I wouldn't leave until you came down. You look great, I hope you liked the flowers. I see you're really making me work for it. I wouldn't have expected it any other way."

"Are you seriously that dense?" she asked. Devon was a bit taken aback by her comment but he brushed it off. "Come on, Andi I just want to talk." He said as he took a step closer. A bitter laugh left her red lips, "Talk. You're fucking kidding. I have nothing to say to you, Devon." Andi paused and looked him in the eyes, "Actually I am wrong, I do have something to say. Move on Devon. Go live your life and leave me alone, you've done enough damage."

Andi was about to turn around when Devon pulled out a small velvet box. "Stop. Don't you fucking dare! You can't just come crawling back and pull this shit, Devon."

"Remember when you said that your favorite thing about me was that I fought for what I love? I am fighting for it right now. Andi I love you, I can't imagine my life without you, these past few months have helped me see that. And I know this ring will never be enough to show you just how sorry I am. You didn't deserve what I did to you. Let me make this right. Let me prove that I am still the man you love, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Please give us, give me another chance." Chan couldn't take it anymore, hearing Devon confess his feelings for Andi, the same feelings he was dying to tell her about was painful. So he stopped thinking and followed his gut.

"Babe?!" Chan called. Devon rose a brow as Chan came walking in, "There you are!" Chan wrapped an arm around her, pulling the Latina close as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Chan turned to Devon, "Am I interrupting? Sorry I am being rude, I am Chan, Andi's boyfriend." Devon was taken back by Chan, taking a step back. It was like it had finally dawned on him. That Andi really had moved on. Devon shook his head, "It's not important. You guys make a great couple, I wish you both the best." The rockstar put the box in his pocket, "It was good seeing you, Andi." He said before rushing out. Andi released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in as she wrapped her arms around Chan, hiding her face in his chest. Chan's arms rested around her waist, his chin on her head, as he rubbed circles into her back, and looked down at her. Before he could say anything, Andi looked up at him. "Thank you for stepping in. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't"

As the Latina looked up at him a single tear slid down her cheek. The Australian idol reached up and whipped away the tear. "I really needed this."

"I know." Chan said as he kissed the top her head.

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