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WHEN ANDI FIRST ARRIVED at the JYP building, JYP had given her a keycard to her very own private studio. Eric had managed to convince JYP to give Andi studio access without any strings attached. Whatever music she created while there was hers and hers alone. It was currently one in the morning, and Andi was walking down the halls of JYP searching for the studio she had been assigned to. Finally, she found the studio. She used the keycard to unlock the door. But wouldn't open. She pressed her forehead against the door as tears began to fall.

Han and Felix walked past her on their way to Chan. "Was that Andi?" Felix asked as they were about to turn the corner. Han looked back, the Latina wore all black, sweats, and a hooded leather jacket, with the ace of swords logo, painted on it. "I think she's crying. Should we go check on her?" Han asked as he watched her, his heart sinking at the sight. "No, I have a better idea. Let's get Chan."

"I don't know how that's a better idea. Look at her, she needs a hug." Han argued. "Trust me. It's better if he goes. Plus we can send him over with some food."

"Is this about you trying to play matchmaker? Because I don't think right now is a good idea." Han said as he reached for his key card. He opened the door taking one last look at Andi whose sniffles could be heard from where they stood at the end of the hall. "You better hurry up and get Chan before I change my mind," Han said. Felix pushed past him and towards Chan who sat in front of the soundboard. Felix noticed Chan's keycard on the table and quickly grabbed it putting it in his pocket.  "Hey Chan can you do me a favor?"

Chan removed his headphones as he nodded. "Can you stand out in the hallway really quick?"


"Just do it or we'll be here all night," Han said. Chan set his headphones on the table and stepped out into the hall. Felix took one of Han's bags and put it in Chan's hand. "Look down the hall. That's Andi, good luck." Felix said as he slammed the door in Chan's face. At this point, Andi sat on the floor, her arms wrapped around her legs and her face hidden in her knees. His heart sank at the sight, he rushed over and kneeled, "Andi?" She didn't look up, just sniffled. Chan took a seat next to her and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "I don't want to impose but it looked like you could use a hug." Andi's body relaxed as she adjusted herself, hiding her face in Chan's chest. "Thank you," she whispered. He rubbed her back in soothing circle motions. They sat like that for a few minutes.

Andi pulled away and whipped away the tears on her face using the sleeves of her hoodie. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

She sighed, "I promise you I wasn't crying because I was sad."

"Then why were you crying? There's no shame in it, it's healthy. Sometimes you just have to let it all out." Andi nodded, "First can you help with this door, I was supposed to be recording." Chan got up, he extended his hand out to her and she took it. After he helped her up, he took her keycard. "Andi. You're at the wrong door."

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