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    The Interstellar Age inspection results came out very quickly. Although he had a vague premonition before, Simmons couldn't help being surprised when he saw the results.

    The subjects now have a certain vocabulary and can understand most of the content. Simmons took the list from the doctor and walked towards the 76 and 77 positions.

    77 didn't sleep well last night, and started to feel drowsy again during the day, 76 kindly let him lean on the side, adjusted his posture slightly, so that he could rest on his body better.

    Simmons handed the inspection list to 76, 76 was not very surprised. When they heard the cub's heartbeat, they believed and confirmed that it really existed.

    76 had checked a lot about pregnancy and childbirth the night before, and the cub would grow up slowly day by day, making 77's belly bulge.

    He saw on the Internet that human beings would prepare a lot of things in advance in order to welcome a new life, such as milk powder, diapers, small clothes... 76 The night before, looking at these strange things, he didn't know where to start.

    Fortunately, with Simmons here, there is at least one person who can be consulted.

    Shortly after the 77 test results came out, Mendry's trial date also arrived.

    The day before, a person came from the alliance and found 77 in front of him.

    "As for Mendry's verdict, we would like to refer to your opinions."

    77 and 76 were a little unclear, so we waited for him to continue.

    "Mendley will be sentenced to death." The visitor is very sure of this, "but in the judgment, the opinions of the victims will be taken into account in some special circumstances." For example, Mendley, the

    experiment he promoted violated ethics, The experimental subjects who are intelligent life have been conducting human experiments since birth. In this case, if the experimental subjects feel that the death penalty is not enough to calm the resentment in their hearts, it can also be considered.

    "For human beings, death is not the most difficult thing." The people of the Alliance blinked at 76 and 77, "If you feel that the death penalty is too light for him, you can exile him before that. Substar.”

    He felt that just talking about it could not make the subjects understand, so he turned on his optical brain and showed 76 and 77 the relationship between Nierya Star. Nierya Star is a planet with a very harsh environment. Most of the people in exile are people who committed such crimes, and they will be executed directly after the exile.

    However, the fact is that most of them had a hard time getting through this period of exile. The harsh environment and high-intensity work made them die in prison.

    "The exile on Nirya planet will not exceed fifty years at most, and no one has successfully escaped from this planet until now." After

    he finished speaking, he looked at 77: "You can discuss it, I will come again tonight, Waiting for your answer."

    After the alliance people left, 76 and 77 went to the room of other experimental subjects to discuss this matter with them.

    The opinions of the experimental subjects quickly reached a consensus on this matter.

    "So what is your choice?"

    "Exile Mendri to Nirya for twenty years." 77 relayed the opinions of the experimental subjects.

    The people in the alliance nodded, and carefully wrote down that before leaving, he couldn't help asking 77 curiously: "May I ask, why is it twenty years?" He always felt that the number twenty

    here seems a little Special: "If you can't say it, that's okay."

    77 didn't tell him the answer at the end.

    All the experimental subjects remembered that the birth of No. 1 was exactly twenty years ago.

    Mendry's twenty years of exile is exactly equal to the twenty years of the experimental subjects on the operating table, and those experimental subjects who died in the experiment can only be repaid by Mendry's life in the end.

    77 leaned on 76's shoulder and yawned again. He thought: From tomorrow on, the laboratory and Mendley will have nothing to do with them.

Specimen 77Where stories live. Discover now