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Talking about No. 77, Jonathan couldn't help but think of another thing: "Did the hormone level test of 77 show that it is about to reach adulthood?"

"There is such a thing."

77 is an experimental subject bred in the same batch as 76. If 77's physical development is close to adulthood, then 76 should be about the same.

"I can't say for sure." Claire was not very sure. "Although there is almost no difference in appearance, they are man-made species after all, and so long research has proved that 77 and 76 are not actually the same species."

Jonathan nodded, and looked back at the closed door: "According to this progress, 77 should enter the first estrus period in the spring of next year." He paused, looked at his partner who was sizing up his side, and chose Raising eyebrows, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Aren't you curious? How will the lab handle 76's estrus." The pen in his hand turned a few times on his fingertips. "It's a pity that 77 and 76 are both males, otherwise they can be paired."

The two chatted and continued to walk forward, and met Alisa who was going to the incubator: "Good afternoon, Alisa."

"Where did you just come from?"

"In the liaison room, I used the optical brain to make a video of my daughter. She can speak recently." Alyssa was very happy. "I was a little worried that she would forget me after leaving home for so long."

"But today she called me mom..." When she said this, Alisa's eyes turned red again.

"You are her mother." Jonathan said, "You have to believe that no matter what kind of creature it is, it is born with attachment and admiration for mother."

"Jonathan is right. Which child can reject the mother?" Claire echoed and asked Alisa, "Are you going to cultivate a relationship with the young?"

Alisa lifted a strand of hair beside her ear, and nodded with a smile: "Mendley wants me to be in charge of its feeding after it comes out of the nutrition cabin."

Talking about the hatchling in the hatchery, her eyes sparkled: "It's so cute." Alyssa gestured out the approximate size of the hatchling with both hands, "It's just this big, pink, every time I enter It seems to be able to distinguish my footsteps in the incubation room, and it is close to the glass in the nutrition cabin."

Claire couldn't help laughing after hearing her description: "It looks like a clingy little guy, I hope it can come out of the incubation room successfully."

"Let me think about it." He tapped his chin with his fingertips, "If it goes well, its number should be 157."

Alyssa glanced at him: "I would like to lend you a good word."


After Jonathan and Claire's footsteps could no longer be heard, 77 glanced towards the door again before continuing to settle his lunch.

Because he has not been very active in eating recently and has lost weight compared to a while ago, the laboratory prepared more food for him than usual.

The soft and steamy meat was deftly divided and torn into long and thin strips by the popping nails, and 77 narrowed his eyes contentedly after putting the meat strips into his mouth. The food prepared for them in the laboratory is not fixed to a certain kind of organisms, and the experimental subjects are often fed with different meats. Although the laboratory only considers the most suitable for the bodies of the subjects when making recipes, the subjects also have their own preferences. 77 remembers that 76 likes this kind of meat very much.

Specimen 77Where stories live. Discover now