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    "No." 77 rejected No. 35 without even thinking about it. Except for No. 76, he was not willing to share his food with other subjects.

    Sensing the eyes of other experimental subjects on his side, 77 flicked his tail and took the raw meat behind him: "Mine." Even if he doesn't eat it, it's still his.

    In this way, 77 began the hunger strike in the eyes of Jonathan and the others.

    He didn't touch the food delivered, and walked around 76's residence from time to time, his behavior was obviously suggestive.

    The laboratory was a little troubled by 77's threat of a hunger strike. This was the first time this behavior had appeared in a test subject.

    The lab held a meeting just for it.

    "They're smart."

    "We can't make them think that just showing a hunger strike will make us give in."

    "It's like a child, after the first crying and getting a satisfactory response, the next time he wants something , it will repeat the same trick."

    "Besides, once you give in, it is difficult not to ensure that other experimental subjects will imitate this behavior after seeing it."

    Several epochs ago, when humans were still living on the earth, There is a bird called a crow. After the first crow learned to open the milk bottle cap, all the crows in the same area soon learned to open the milk bottle cap.

    "77 cannot be the first crow."

    I have to admit that this is indeed reasonable.

    "They are animals, but we are human beings." The speaker looked around the round table at the meeting, looked at his colleagues, and asked, "Humans are the primates of all things, can we still be easily threatened by experimental subjects?

    " After the speech, another person added: "77's physical condition has always been very good, and a few meals of hunger will not have a particularly large impact on his body." "And I don't think

    it can persist."

    The speaker continued to clarify his point of view: "After leaving the incubation room, each experimental subject will be fed within a fixed period. Except for some small punishments, they have basically never been hungry." According to the results obtained, after the subjects were starved, the same mistakes would basically not be made again. "I don't think they have self-control."

    Alisa has reservations about this: "They have a high IQ."

    "But no one has taught them restraint." The physical condition and the weight will always be kept in a just right range.

    "In nature, animals imitate and learn the behavior of their parents." "

    But they are artificially bred species, raised by humans." In other words, their learning objects are only the researchers in the laboratory and other experiments in the three districts bodies.

    "We have to let the crying child know that Sabo is not getting what he wants by rolling around."


    77 The result of the struggle was that at night, Jonathan didn't prepare his food.

    There is also No. 133 with the same treatment.

    133 watched Jonathan push the cart indifferently and passed in front of him, and collapsed on the ground with a "slap" when he passed by. Jonathan looked at him and stopped: "133." Hearing his

Specimen 77Where stories live. Discover now