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    Although there were some troubles, all the problems that needed to be dealt with were successfully resolved in the end. Finally, as long as a new batch of glass was delivered, the experimental subjects could be sent back to the third district.

    After dealing with follow-up questions, Marcus went to the room where No. 93 was temporarily closed.

    93 is a very beautiful centaur and one of the few vegan test subjects. Marcus is the breeder of No. 97. For a long time, the focus of his work and life revolves around it.

    Compared with other experimental subjects, No. 93 does not have venom on it, nor does it have sharp teeth and claws. The only thing that is threatening is those four extremely powerful hooves, but it has always been very docile.

    Whenever he had the opportunity, Marcus would go to 93's glass room. He always believed that 93 would not hurt himself.

    "Eyes can't lie." Marcus looked at the peaceful blue eyes, and said to the other researchers, "It has always been an obedient child." After entering the room,

    Marcus locked the door with his backhand On the next day, No. 93, who was lying in the corner, raised his head when he heard the movement, then stood up and walked to the middle of the room, and stopped in front of Markas.

    It is now much taller than Macarth.

    The four hooves of the centaur bent down, and then lay down again. Marcus looked at it, and the blue eyes of No. 93 were still gentle and peaceful, like a lake without waves. It was hard to believe that it would be the first experimental subject to break out of the cage in this prison escape operation.    

     Marcus touched the top of 93's head helplessly, and said in a helpless

    tone: "You know, you caused us a lot of trouble this time."

The number continued: "Why are you messing around with 76 and 77 this time?"

    Markas's tone seemed to be asking a disobedient child: "Why don't you stay in the glass room obediently?"

    He sighed as he spoke, and glanced at the small, opaque room with not enough space. The living environment here was much worse than that in the third district, but the experimental subjects were always unable to learn their lesson, and did not die again and again. Desperately trying to escape from prison.

    "Jonathan has been a little angry recently." Marcus was rambling, the old supplier had doubts about the laboratory, and Jonathan could only struggle to find a new supplier.

    At the same time, most of the researchers had to suspend their original work to find time to deal with the follow-up issues of the experimental subject's escape.

    Most of the researchers had a lot of complaints, especially towards the experimental subjects who were the culprits.

    There was a new bruise on 93's hind leg, which Marcus knew was caused by a researcher during feeding. Although he said it was careless, most people could see that it was hidden under "carelessness" My selfishness is multiple.

    When Mendry talked about this matter, he only mentioned it lightly, telling them to be careful next time, avoid the same mistake, and skip the punishment measures. Like some sort of acquiescence.

    "What about 76 and 77?"

    After talking about No. 93's question, Mendry quickly became concerned about No. 76 and 77.

    Unlike Marcus who went back to see No. 93 from time to time, although he often asked about the recent situation of No. 76 and No. 77, Mendry hardly visited them again.

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