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    After the heartbeat in the room at the end of the corridor disappeared, 77 and the others didn't pay attention to that room again.

    After finally finishing the follow-up of the experimental subject's escape from prison, the researcher in charge of the clones discovered that overnight, the clones that were originally well developed completely lost their activity.

    This is the most successful batch of clones they have cultivated.

    The changes brought about by the starstone are uncontrollable, and it is difficult to use the starstone to create the same experimental body again. And the mature cloning technology should theoretically be able to perfectly reproduce the experimental body, but it has never been successful.

    During development, clones are always prone to inactivation at various stages, turning into a mass of dead flesh.

    This batch of clones had successfully grown out of shape in the nutrition cabin, and curled up in the nutrition cabin with their hands wrapped around their white tails.

    Through the glass, you can clearly see the scales on the tail and the face that is similar to 77.

    If the experimental subject who inadvertently glanced inside could see more things, he would find that in this room, there were more than a dozen nutrition cabins neatly erected, all of which were 77's infants. organism.


    week ago, the condition of this group of well-developed clones began to deteriorate. 77's scales were actually his skin, which was not the same concept as the mermaid's scales. Logically speaking, they shouldn't fall off.

    But during this week, pink spots began to appear on the tails of the clones one after another, followed by the disappearance of sporadic scales on the tails, as if they were completely melting.

    The researchers tried various methods, and finally succeeded in keeping the last five clones, allowing their bodies, which were originally prone to collapsing, to slowly recover.

    But after one night, all clones lost their heartbeat.

    A researcher pursed his lips, looked at the data displayed on the screen, he was quiet for a while, and then couldn't help standing up from his chair.

    Seeing that everyone else was looking at him, he let out a breath, as if he was asking his colleagues for confirmation: "Maybe there is something wrong with the equipment..."

    His voice became smaller and smaller, and he also knew that this possibility was very slim.

    "Why did it suddenly lose its activity..." He murmured in a low voice, "Obviously in a few days, the clone will be able to be transferred out of the nutrition cabin." It's not that

    they have never experienced clone failure, but this time It seems that we are too close to success, so we are not reconciled. Before today, they all thought that they would soon be able to see successfully survived clones appearing in the laboratory.

    He leaned back on the chair and covered his face with his hands, unable to accept the reality: "How could this be..."

    At this moment, another researcher in the same room suddenly stood up, seeing everyone watching He wiped his face, "I'll go out to smoke a cigarette slowly."

    "Norton?" After he left, the researchers who stayed in place continued, "The clone has lost its activity, he should be the most disappointed "

    "He did spend a lot of energy, who would have thought that this would be the result."


    77 encountered some troubles.

    At a time when it wasn't feeding time or experimenting, a researcher made a surprise visit.

    When feeding, for the safety of the researchers, the experimental subjects will be made to fall asleep in advance, but at other times, the researchers will generally not be allowed to enter the room where the experimental subjects are, and they will also avoid using sleeping potions on them.

    Norton grabbed his messy hair and looked up at the white snake in the center of the room.

    When he came in, 77 didn't try to sneak out the door, but straightened up a little after seeing him.

    "Are you still used to being here?"

    77, who was "can't speak," naturally couldn't answer him, but Norton came here naturally not to make him speak.

    Norton blinked his eyes, and the decadence of the clone's failure again surged from the bottom of his heart. He looked at the weird but beautiful creature in front of him, and his voice suddenly softened: "You know, they look a lot like you."

    He Thinking of something, he paused: "Even underdeveloped and weak, you are very similar to you."

    "They should have been able to successfully come out of the nutrition cabin." Norton was still a little unwilling.

    "But you have caused me a lot of trouble..."

    He looked at 77, as if emphasizing: "At an inappropriate time." After knowing that the clone had lost its heartbeat, Norton had been replaying this in his mind. experiment for a while. Finally, when I thought about the escape of the experimental subjects, I couldn't help thinking, if they hadn't escaped, would I have more time and energy to pay attention to the clones, and be able to reverse the current results.

    Obviously the condition of the clone has improved... He couldn't help thinking about it.

    77's pupils formed a vertical line. Norton knew that many animals were sensitive to human screens, so it was not surprising that 77 was wary of him.

    Norton stared at 77 for a while, then suddenly laughed, and said in a somewhat strange tone: "I really don't think I should blame you for the failure of the experiment, should I?" He is obviously shorter than

    77 There are many, but when looking up at 77, there is a sense of aloofness.

    After 77's clones failed again and again, in Norton's eyes, 77 has already changed from a beautiful creation to a monster that is not smart enough and will never change.

    Before leaving, he looked at 77: "But if you make a mistake, you should always be punished, right?"


    After Norton left, 77's slightly tense body relaxed.

    "Are you okay?" 76's concern is always the first to arrive. "He doesn't like you." It was the malice that 76 could feel.

    "It's okay." 77 flicked his tail and looked down. The small red wound on the tail looked a little annoying, but he suddenly felt that 76 just couldn't see it now. When he could see 76, the wound would be gone soon has healed.

    So 76 will not know.

    "I've been doing well recently." 77 kept silent about the few extra small wounds on his tail.

    "You know." 77 said, "We are very important to 'Mom'."

    So "Mom" can tolerate their little mistakes. As for punishment, 77 has long been used to it.

    "I'll live well."

    77 curled up his tail, subconsciously hiding the wound on the inner side.

    77 said, "A bee can have freedom."

    His tone was assured: "So we will have it."
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