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    The speed of the laboratory was very fast, and it didn't take long for all the glass rooms in the third district to be packed again. Before transferring the experimental subjects back to the third area, the laboratory first carefully cleaned the glass rooms of all the experimental subjects in the third area.

    During this process, it was inevitable to see a lot of gadgets hidden by the experimental subjects inside, such as some dry fruit cores, bones with more beautiful shapes... There is even a stainless steel that has been worn down a bit. small box.

    "This is..." The researcher who found the box looked up subconsciously, "Is No. 143 living here?"

    He glanced at his colleague next to him: "I remember that No. 143 was raised by you, right?

    " The people around him shook the box in their hands when

    they saw it : "Do you know where 143 got such a box?" I don't know."

    "Maybe it was secretly hidden when he was sent to the third district?" He said with some uncertainty.


    week later, all the experimental subjects were transferred again to the glass room in the third district.

    As soon as he woke up, 77 subconsciously searched for No. 76 in the glass room next door.

    During this period of time in the experimental area, 76 seemed to be thinner than before.

    No. 35 stretched her vines recklessly, and soon the green vines covered the corners of the glass room. She waved one of the vines in satisfaction: "Staying here is more comfortable." 77 in the glass

    room After going around in a circle, after reacquainting himself with his residence, he slid to the side of the glass separated by 76, watching the black human snake approaching him.

    "I've always wanted to see you." 76 said to 77 through the glass.

    76 glanced at 77's tail back and forth a few times: "Is your tail okay?"

    77 didn't know why, when 76 looked over, he subconsciously wanted to hide his tail behind him, he moved his tail, and then moved in front of 76 under his gaze.

    "Look, it's cured now."

    Next to them, other experimental subjects were also inspecting the glass room where they had left for a while.

    From time to time, the sound of several experimental subjects saying that the things they hid were taken away sounded.

    "The fruit core I put here is gone!"

    "My beautiful bones are gone too."

    Similar voices followed one after another, and soon the subjects quieted down again, staying in their usual favorite positions, only number 143 remained Walking back and forth in the glass room, as if looking for something.

    "143, what are you looking for?" The experimental subject next to him asked curiously.

    "My toy is missing." It is a palm-sized stainless steel box, the color is very monotonous gray, boxy, and has no special shape.

    "It's a box given to me by 'Mom'." He likes to close the lid of the box, and then lightly tap it with his nails to make different sounds.

    On the first day when he was sent to District 3, in order to appease 143 who refused to leave his "mother", his caregiver took an empty box from the table and patted the lid with his palm .

Specimen 77Where stories live. Discover now