"Because... You seem nice?" He replied still confused with the interrogation. "Do you mind if I sit here?" I shook my head and he sat down beside me on the grass.

We ate our lunch in silence but it wasn't the awkward kind. Then a question came to my mind and I couldn't help my curiosity.

"Why didn't you attend any of your classes this morning?" I saw him stiffen a bit.

"Um.. I was.. umm... I h-had some family issues? Yeah... I had some issues to take care of this morning, s-so I couldn't come to school early." He stuttered and looked away from my eyes.

I didn't believe him, but if he didn't want to tell me that's fine. I mean, we just met yesterday, so I don't exactly expect him to tell me about his personal issues. So I brushed it off and brought up a different topic.

Soon enough, we both finished our food and were walking back into the cafeteria to return our trays when we were approached by my two worst nightmares...

Annabelle Hayes and Christabel Edison.

And their posse. We can't forget their loyal posse.

I can't help but notice the elegant way that they walk. The confidence in their steps and the beauty in their auras. They didn't wear overly revealing clothes as most people would think. Especially Annabelle who absolutely rocked her bright blue crazy jeans and beautiful white blouse.

A complete contrast to me in my ratty old faded jeans and grey hoodie. At least her jeans are supposed to be ripped. Mine just got torn one too many times.

I couldn't help but feel self conscious. I even wonder how she ever became friends with me when she's so much better than me in many ways.

She's so much prettier and smarter than me. She gets straight A's, while my report card is filled with all the letters in the alphabet except A's.

I used to do well in school. She and I were actually competing for the highest grades, But I guess I just crashed after my parents death.

Everyone loves her. She's so nice to the people around her- well, except for me- and she loves kids. With her shiny brown hair, beautiful honey colored eyes, flawless fair skin and seemingly amazing character, who wouldn't want to be her? The perfect role model.

The perfect Luna

Maybe that's why he chose her after he rejected me. I don't blame him, she's probably the perfect mate that every Alpha has dreamed of.

But then I thought about what he told me yesterday and what happened this morning. What changed his mind? Could he really want me now? Has he broken up with Annabelle?

But that's impossible! They intentionally made out in front of my locker just yesterday morning! That's a pretty clear sign that he doesn't want me.

"Oh hello Alex! How are you?" Anna asked in mock kindness loud enough to catch the attention of some students.

She's up to something.

So I didn't reply.

"Leave her alone, Anna." I heard the spine chilling voice behind me. I turned around and saw Micheal walking up to Cornelius and I.

Huh, I'd completely forgotten that Cornelius was with me. Poor kid, he was about to get himself caught up in some drama.

"Why, brother? We were only trying to be nice to her and she's the one giving us an attitude." Christabel pouted at Michael.

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