William Vangeance × Reader : Vision (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

In a blink of an eye, I was teleported into an illuminated, huge room. But it was not any ordinary room. It contained an enormous device made of glass, and inside was a figure that I could not figure out to whom it belonged.

As a matter of fact, my sight was all blurry and my hearing was muffled. Yet, I could still manage to catch a few lines of the three figures that stood face to face.

"I'll fix him up, no problem." An unrecognisable voice said in a malicious tone, but it sounded as that of a man.

"And none of the other preparations have been neglected...?" My eyes widened at the voice. No matter how low or unclear it was, I could still recognize the owner of that voice for he was the reason why I lost my William.

"It's all going perfectly, isn't that right-"

The man turned to face another unrecognisable figure; but before he could say the name of whom they had been talking to, I was teleported into another room. Inside were two coffin-shaped stones. However, despite the blurry sight that only seemed to intensify, I could spot two figures peeking out of the stones. All of a sudden, my eyes froze, my breaths stopped, and my heart seemed to skip a beat.

Imprisoned in the stones were the captain of the Black bulls and the person who was the reason I survived the last vision. Before I could have the chance to touch his skin or even let his name leave my lips in a whisper, I was, once again, teleported.

But this time, I was floating in the air.

I could see every inch of the castle, the whereabouts, the soldiers that patrolled the hallways, the torches that burned with fire.

I shut my eyes due to a deafening ringing in my head.

When I reopened them, I was back to my room at the Blue Rose headquarters. My breaths raced one after the other; my heart beat in my eardrums, and sweat tickled down the side of my face.

'It was not a vision.' I thought in my mind.

My eyes quickly glanced at my grimoire that laid undisturbed a few steps away from my spot. I crawled towards it on all fours, my limbs trembled in the process.

The once blank pages had a new script written in their façade. Prediction Magic: Omniscient Owl Eyes, it said.

I couldn't understand how the spell came to be and why my eyesight was blurry, but my train of thoughts was cut short when a knock sounded from outside my room.

"Lady (Y/n)? May I come in?" A female voice called from the other side. In a hasty manner, I rapidly stood up and fixed my messy hair and clothes before answering her.

"Y-Yes. Yes, you may." I didn't realize how hoarse my voice had become until it was too late.

The female gave me a quick salutation after that she had stepped into the room. However, the sympathetic look on her eyes told me enough of my appearance.

"Captain Charlotte wanted me to inform you that there will be an urgent meeting with the wizard king and the other captains in half an hour. Please be prepared to leave as soon as Captain sends the order." With her head up, she spoke with elegance and confidence regardless of how pathetic I might have appeared to her.

I nodded and quietly dismissed her. Once the door was shut, I sighed at the suffocating silence that reclaimed its presence. With a dull heart and achy limbs, I prepared myself to meet the other captains and child wizard king.


"(Y/n)? Are you with us?" The soft, young voice of Julius pulled me out of the trance I found myself sinking in.

My eyes blinked multiple times at him before I nodded in affirmation. Several pairs of eyes focused at me; some were sympathetic and some were unreadable.

Yet, Julius's eyes held a sea of emotions as the dark bags under his eyes had significantly grown overnight. The atmosphere of the union was heavy, angered, and eager to save the two missing captains.

The next sequence of events occured in a blur as Jack protested against the other magic knights. Yuno, who had a grim expression on his eyes, stayed silent.

However, I became the center of attention once more when the captain of the Black Bulls adressed me with a question. "The Dark Triad plan everything thoughtfully and cautiously. However, the attack happened before its planned time. Do you know anything about that, (Y/n) (L/n)?"

I cleared my throat because of the pile of saliva that gathered in the middle before answering. "I do not know why the attack happened before the time that vision had told me."

"Does telling your prediction to an outside source other than yourself effect the outcome of your visions?" The vice-captain's closed eyes and smile remained the same, unwavering and threatening.

I shook my head.

"My type of magic does not interfere in the future, or fate if you'd like to call it that. It simply shows me what events are most likely to happen in the near future. As of why the attack happened before its time, it could only be possible if the Dark Triad had a thread to know such information."

The silence that followed my interpretation pierced louder than any other sound. In a slow pace, Nacht's smile disappeared and his eyes opened to pin me down with their cold gaze.

"Are you suggesting that there is a spy or perhaps a traitor among us?" He asked in a cold tone.

I remained silent at his question.

"Discussing such matter will only divide us further from each other. We must find a way to save Yami and William." Charlotte interfered with a calm façade.

My eyes were cast down as I replayed Nacht's words in my mind. I tried to ignore the gaze that still burned into my skull, and instead dwelled in the ocean of my doubts.

Amidst the fog and storm that threatened to split my mind into two, William's face appeared with his royal, purple eyes and breath-taking smile like the bright sun after a dark night. The comfort of his presence in my mind brought warmth, joy, and longing in my heart. I tried to fight back the growing moisture in my eyes at the mere thought of what could be happening to him at this moment.

As Nacht proceeded to explain the Dark Triad's plan to use dark and tree world magic, I remembered the device I had seen earlier. Once I had had finsihed informing them about the newest vision, I was bombarded with another set of questions to figure out the function of such device.

"From what you have just described, it sounds like it was the present at the time you had the vision, not the future." Dorothy commented with a fixating stare.

"I thought your magic is to see the future, Lady (Y/n)?" Rill inquired with a confused look.

My silence was taken as a confirmation that I had the same suspicions. I could not deny the unclear connection between the new spell I had received and the type of my magic.

Something was not adding up.

. . . 🌼 . . .

Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing fine. I hope you have enjoyed your time reading this chapter.

I will definitely write a part 3 for this (hopefully the anime will be back soon)

Either way, please do me a favor and leave a vote and a comment if you have enjoyed your time.

Stay safe and lots of love~

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