After letting her hair go she fell to the ground which still didn't cause me to stop. I started kicking her and trying to stomp her out. She was completely unresponsive; She wasn't even moving but I didn't care. I kept stomping on her face; her blood was splattering all over the bathroom. She was gonna die, that's the only thought that consumed my mind. She had to die for me to forgive myself for what happened to my son.

The door swung open, it was mall security and a police officer. The police officer tackled me to the ground. I started moving rapidly trying to get him off. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME," I screamed.

Stop resisting," he said."

"Mani calm down first, Lynn called out to me. Please just calm down, she said. 'That bitch burned my son," I screamed; I can't calm down. The tears were rushing down my face. I held them in long enough; I couldn't contain them anymore. This was Lynn's very first time hearing about what she did. I was way too embarrassed to tell anyone why my son had gotten taken.

After calming down I took a deep breath. I stop putting up a fight and let the cop put the cuffs on me. I wasn't tripping because I knew my dad was gonna serve him up on a platter. He picked me up and started walking me through the mall. Walking in handcuffs was single-handedly the worst feeling ever but I wasn't trippin'. My spirit wouldn't let me get any sleep if I would have let her leave.

The ride to the police station was long and quiet. I couldn't lie though I was filled with joy. I had accomplished my mission. The guilt I had felt because of this situation was slowly dissolving. I was gonna always be riddled with guilt, but this was a win for me. We arrived at the station, he pulled me out of the back seat then we went in. He booked me on assault charges and then put me in a holding cell. Before he could walk away I asked him can I make a phone call. He thought about it for a second and then replied yea you can.

I called my mother; I would have called my dad but I wanted to let her know I was alright. In case she was worried about me missing my visitation day with Prince.

Hello, I said after hearing my mom through the speaker of the phone. Hey ma, I said fiddling with the phone cord and wondering how I tell her where I am.

"Hey, Mani, where are you, she replied."

"Ma, listen," I said. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I'm in jail, I just blurted it out.

"What you mean, you're where she said."

"Jail ma, I'm in jail."

Omg, which station are you at, she said.

I could hear the panic in her voice. I'm at fifth district, I replied. The fifth district was the station my father was in charge of. "Okay," she said after calming down a bit. "I'm about to be on my way and imma call your father on the way there," I said okay and hung up. The officer that brought me in took me back to the holding cell. I couldn't do anything else so I sat down and just wait.

It felt like forever had passed. The officer who I learned name was Officer Smith came to the cell and opened the door. "Your family here Ms.Omani," he said sounding a little defeated. If I had to guess he now knows who daughter I am. I walk behind him and outside out the double door that led to the station's lobby. It felt like the whole damn family was there. There was my mom and dad. There was Rome, his mother, his brother Dre and Prince. I walked up to my mom and just dropped my head on her shoulder I was exhausted and relieved. I even turned around to hug my dad. He got on my nerves a lot but this time he came through. I didn't want to go to jail behind that bitch but I couldn't control myself I just snapped.

I looked at Prince and he was fully awake just looking at me. Rome's mom was holding him and I won't lie that kind of pissed me off a bit.

"Well, what happened," my mom asked. This isn't like you so just tell me what happened.

"I found her," I said with the biggest smile on my face. Then I looked towards Rome and his face said it all. That nigga knew I ran into that bitch Brittany. "Who did you find Mani," my mom asked. I look back in her direction and said the bitch that burned baby. "What," my dad said from his tone you could tell he was pissed. "Where is she," then he said skimming around the station. He didn't see anyone else but us. He called out to Officer Smith, "Come here right quick," he said. Yes, sir, officer Smith said as he hurriedly came close enough to my dad to see what he wanted.

Where is the other woman that was with her, he asked Officer Smith. She's in another holding cell, sir. Would you like to see her, he replied. Yes, release her to me immediately, my dad shouted while snapping his fingers. Officer Smith went through the double doors. After 5 or minutes he was walking back in with a woman. My father ran up to her and grabbed her arm. He pulled her to me and asked, is this the bitch that burned my grandson? Burned your grandson she said. It was Lynn; I had no idea that they brought her in. Even though I saw the extra police cars I didn't think anyone but me was going to jail.

"Oh no, this my friend," I said releasing my dad's deadly gripped hand from around her wrist. He turn back to officer smith and asked where is the third woman. "Oh her, he said. "Well, she is currently being treated at the Blue Dale Hospital." Let's go now my father said signaling for everyone to come on. The whole time though I was peeping Rome's face. You could tell he didn't think I would run across that bitch. Little did he know I wasn't letting him off the hook either.

Everyone got in their respective vehicles and headed to Blue Dale Hospital. Upon getting there I was starting to heat up all over again. We all got out of the car and headed to the hospital lobby. My father walked up to the nursing station.

"Hello, I'm here to visit someone'" he said to the nurse that was sitting at her desk.

"What's the person's name," she said while chewing a piece of gum.

"What was her name, he asked me,"

Brittany, Brittany Mitchell.

He turned back to the nurse, she heard me so she was already looking up the name in the system.

"Ah, yes she is here but unfortunately she is not allowed any visitors.

"Why is that," my dad asked.

It seems that her family has put her on the non-visitor list. Unless you can provide a picture id matching up any of the names on the list; I can't give you any information about her or let you see her.

My father flashed his badge and said listen she is a suspect in a child abuse case and I need to see her immediately he barked.

"Sir calm down, I'm sorry but you need a warrant to see this particular patient the nurse said".

"Damn, he slammed his fist on the counter and then said come on let's go."

We all walked out of the hospital and just stood there. My mother broke the ice. Mani you still have a few hours for your visit so let's go home and get you cleaned up. "Okay," I replied. We made it back to my parent's house and the first thing I wanted to do was take a bath I felt so nasty. After finally taking a bath I felt so refreshed. I put on the old clothing I had by my parent house from the time my dad made me come home. I walked out of the room and looked around for Prince. This little boy was getting on my nerves because he was knocked out. That didn't matter to me I wanted to hold my baby, so for the next 3 hours, I just held onto him while he slept.


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