Thirty-Four: Bits, the Zeus-offender

Start from the beginning

Hades squinted. "Psyche? Of course she is. She's probably frolicking around with that stupid archer right about now."

"No, not Psyche." Sen said. "My other mother. Linh." She caught the ball.

Hades frowned. "You're stepping into dangerous territory here."

"It's all I want to know." Sen vowed. "I just need to know if she's alive or not." Last Sen remembered, her mom was alive. But, if Sen had been picking up on her dreams correctly, Linh had been looking for her daughter, and Sen didn't know how safe that probably was.

"She is." Hades answered. Rafael barked as the middle head picked him up. He was dropped, and the game continued. "That's all you need to know."

"Sick." Sen nodded. "What kind of conditioner do you use?"

"That's not relevant."

"But your hair looks so shiny without being oily. I wanna know."

"I really can't stand you people."

"What people?"

"Aphrodite's kids. Or whatever you wanna call her. Quite ridiculous. Quite snooty."

"But I complimented you!" Sen scoffed. "I create my own. Papaya and aloe vera mixed with drugstore lotion."

"I don't know. Persephone makes it." Hades admitted.

"Well, whenever she comes back, I wanna know. It looks great."

"Just throw the damn ball."

Sen was cut short by a screeching sound and wings flapping. Rafael hopped up into her arms as he had done several times before, allowing himself to be caught. The three Furies landed right in front of Hades and Sen, with a bronze helmet in their hands.

They relayed the story of Percy Jackson fighting the war god, Ares, and winning, and how it was true that he had not stolen the helm.

"Interesting." Hades muttered. He turned to Sen as he grabbed the helm of darkness. "I must pay my dues, I suppose."

Sen nodded. "Don't forget to give Charon a raise."

"Only if he stops wearing those stupid Italian suits."

"And Rafael would like to visit Cerberus often."

"We can arrange something. Now, off with you." Hades snapped his fingers. Sen waved at him as shadows enveloped her. She could hear Rafael and Cerberus barking their goodbyes, and Hades saying something to the Furies as the world turned to black.

When light returned, Sen was standing in the middle of the dining pavilion. Literally. She stood slightly to the side of the head table, Rafael in her arms, a bag of crazy jewels and crystals on her back. She knew she probably needed to hide it before Cabin 11 started stealing it.

"SEN!" Grover cried as he ran forward. He was releasing weird bleating shrieks. Annabeth was only slightly behind him, yelling her joys out in Ancient Greek.

"S-Sen?" Chiron stammered.

"Hi!" Sen waved. "Got a dog!" She placed Rafael down, and several campers started murmuring. Once Rafael was out of her arms, Sen was able to cry tears of joy as she ran forward to hug Annabeth and Grover.

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