-Umm.. some raviolis?- he says.

-Same for me- I repeat, waiting for Robert to leave.

-So you weren't kidding when you said you came here frequently- he says grinning.

-It's the only thing that made me feel close with you again- I tell him.

He kisses my hand and says- I love you.

Some hours later we both had finished our raviolis and were a bit tipsy.

-You wanna go to the lake??- I ask him.

-Can we?- he says, i could see he wanted that so bad.

-Yupp, come on, I'll show you my favorite place- I say, standing up and holding his hand.

We go downstairs and we walk through the woods a little till we arrived. I stare at him, and I could see his eyes filling up with tears.

He immediately looks at me and picks me up, running where the lake was.

-Chase stoopp- I say laughing till we reach the lake side.

We both sit on the green grass, my head resting on his shoulder.

-We are coming here every single week I don't care if I have to drive for 90 minutes, this is gorgeous- he speaks.

-I don't care either- I say, kissing his cheek.

-Mads- he says making me look at him- You wanna be my girlfriend?- he suddenly asks, with both of his hands holding my head- I know it just sounded as if I was on 7th grade but it is really-

-Of course I want to, you stupid- i say kissing him, leaving part of my gloss in his lips.

He just smiles- yesterday, I definitely cut Xio off, I'm proud- he says, which makes my heart melt.

-And I'm so proud of you- I tell him- how was it?- I ask

-Well, not easy but definitely easier than i imagined- he says which confuses me.

I giggle a bit and i say- what did she say?

He breathes- that she was not going to forget me that easily, that i meant a lot for her, that she was sorry and that she wishes me the best.

-She was nice?- I ask surprised.

-Not at first, I feel like she said that to look good- he clarifies.

-At least she said it, I feel like 5 months ago she wouldn't even have done that.

-Yeahh I guess so- he says snuggling me- I love this place.

-How many times have you said so?- I say laughing.

He tickles me a bit and then picks me up- you are not wearing any underwear are you?

-What?- I ask.

-Are you wearing underwear?- he repeats with the biggest grin.

-No- I say, which makes him lose part of that smile- why?- i giggle.

-You feel like swimming a bit?

-Chase why are you so random?- i say, i couldn't stop laughing.

-I'll take that as a yes so sorry if that dress was expensive- and after that he picks me up and runs to the lake, taking a big dip.

It happened all so fast i didnt even realize what he did- CHASE!!? WHAT THE FUCKK?- I say laughing and trying not to get drowned.

I immediately feel his hands on my butt, his face getting closer to me- I love you- he says, kissing my neck.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt