Osamu Dazai

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Am gonna cry.


And that's not even the problem, the problem is I didn't know until 5 Hours later because of a comment.

This is so stupid, I hate wattpad.

Let's just start.

This is requested by: majestic_Baloni


" Thank you so much for looking out after our kid, she was supposed to be under her aunt's care today but something came up and she couldn't, so I'm really thankful of you guys!" The mother thanked both lovers sincerely

"Ah! It's okay, really! No worries, we're actually happy to look after you child"

"Very delighted to watch over a kid instead of having my supposed fun in our date-ow!" Dazai muttered under his breath until he got elbowed by his lover.

"Well then we have to go! Make yourselves at home, please be as comfortable as you can..my daughter is sleeping, the food in the fridge and anything bad happens just call us okay?"

"Okay, goodbye!" M/n closed the door then went to the kitchen to brew some tea.

"What was that about? Why did you agree to babysit?" Dazai asked the other as he replied.

"It's their marriage anniversary and they wanted to go for a day out to have fun, they shall come tomorrow.. it's a date I suppose." Dazai looked at him dumbfounded

"You're joking right? WHAT ABOUT OUR DATE!? Did you forget about me!? I didn't sign up to be a babysitter! I need one!" Dazai whined as M/n sighed and cupped his lover's cheeks "listen, am sorry okay? After this, I promise you that I'll take you on a date you'll never forget about, I'll spoil you so much you'll have enough for a year to continue without me, just be patient this once..okay?"

Dazai nodded as he stroked his lover's hand that's resting on his cheek and snuggled closer.

M/n leand to the brunette giving him a kiss and pulled away.

~After 2 hours ~

"It's so boring here! Let's make out!" Dazai whined slouching on the sofa.


"why not?!" Dazai argued

"It's disrespectful." Replying to him fast and swift.

"How is it disrespectful?" Dazai not wanting to lose the argument and have his derved affection "I wanna kiss you!"

"It's not our house, Dazai."

"Nobody's even here! You just don't love me anymore! Just admit it!" Dazai yelled with the back of his hand on his forehead

M/n wanting to shut the drama queen up, he pulls Dazai roughly to him and kisses him resulting a gasp to escape the other before kissing back, and in the heat of the moment they got interrupted

"Excuse me?"

A flich of fright from the sudden noise, both of them look at the young boy Infront of them.

"Kid! What are you doing up so late? Should I warm you a cup of milk? It'll help you go back to sleep." Walking away from Dazai who has an annoyed and grumpy look on his face to the small boy, he lifts the boy from his armpits to his chest letting the boy snuggle closer to him and rest his head on M/n's shoulder sniffing his scent of mint and chocolate.

"I want an ice cream."

"Ha! He's demanding too! Okay your Highness" Dazai mocked the boy as M/n shook his head "knock it off, he's a child." Resulting a roll eye from the brunette.

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