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Obey me!


Warnings: mention of death, profanity.

Mammon's pov:

"Mammon. It's okay to be poor..all that matters is being happy, and that all I care for you to happen, if you're happy then I am too." ??? Smiled at Mammon as Mammon frowned and replied angrily "All you care about is yourself! 'If YOU were happy?!' I am happy when I have MONEY!! DO YOU SEE ANY MONEY WITH ME!? NO! you know what that means? I'M NOT HAPPY!" he lowely growled as the other person shakes his head in disappointment then went again

"Mammon..even if you were poor as you assume, be grateful; Because you have been saved from moral paralysis, which has been afflicted by the one who owes his desire to all the demands, and you have avoided the envy and hatred that the rich and powerful are subjected to, so do not sing in your heart to your tone, and do not look at your belongings with a sick is what you need.. it's the only thing that will make you feel rich"

"Well I do look at them with sick eye!"

"You should be thankful for what you have. You have a big mansion you live in, the best food you and your brothers have, even though you have no money Lucifer does not fall short with you, he gives everything you want..." Calmly he tried to reason with Mammon.

"You know what? I'm tired of your crap. Fuck you and your talk, I'm done. Go fuck your self and fuckin' get lost!" As the unknown dude got kicked out of the room Mammon slammed the room at his face.

"You were right....I feel so poor now..."

You can see Mammon sitting Infront of a tombstone for the dead Y/n

What was his last words?
He had his humorous personality right to the very end.

"I'm ready to roll, Time to get this party started." Was his last words..

"Real is, you can be a king so rich or a street sweeper so poor, But truthfully.. everyone is dancing with the grim reaper.."


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