Roronoa Zoro

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I thank u guys so much for all the Votes/Comments that ya'll keep doin' even when I disappear ya'll keep going I really appreciate ya guys, I fuckin' love ya'll.


THIS this is gonna be a modern AU
I don't know how the one requested this character wanted this story to be like? He/she was not specific 'bout it, He/She just told me the character and am really sorry for the character is OOC I didn't rlly watch one piece past ep 6💀 and I don't even remember what it was about.


Warnings? OOC.


Y/n's POV:

I was forced to marry this......RANDOM WOMAN by my Oh so lovely Parents.

'she has alot of money darling, this will help you alot.'

'take advantage of this marriage and do NOT let go.'

'it doesn't matter if you love her or not, she does so you go to've got nothing to lose anyways.'

'Alot of money...'

'she's rich son.'

That's all what they EVER cared about!

But my protests never worked on them, under pressure I married this...old woman.

Well she's not OLD OLD, but she IS older than me by like what.....9-10 years?....yea she's old.

Why would I wanna marry a woman that is older than me by 10 years!? And I don't even like women!

This woman's name was Remas.

Remas had ordered a bodyguard to ALWAYS look after me, no matter where I am, HE'S ALWAYS THERE!


like dude, the only thing's missing is to enter the bathroom with me.

One day me and my wife went to the hospital, why?

You marry a rich woman that has a big ass company, ofcourse she needs a heir.

We've tried countless times, but never succeed.

So she decided to go to the hospital and check if there's any issues with either of us.

Ofcourse none of us had a problem, it was all my doing .

We'd do it after we have dinner or a glass of wine... she's been sick for sometime, and I just replaced her meds.

Hear me out.

I know this is wrong, but am not ready for a child yet and even if I AM I will NOT have it with her .

So after we got checked I needed to talk to the doctor, but that Damn bodyguard HAD to come with.

"What are you waiting for? I need to talk to the doctor you can get out." I demanded for the bodyguard, but he was NOT havin' it

"I'm sorry master, but I cannot leave you alone, direct orders from the Mistress." He apologized firmly.

"She said to protect me not watch over me like some dog."

"I did not mean to offend you master, but the mistress said I cannot leave you."

"I'm talking with the doctor, surely nothing will happen, right?"
I replied to him as he quirked one eyebrow up "we don't know that."

"You can get out and when I need you I'll call you."

male reader x male characters (oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz