Omar X Fem! Reader

Start from the beginning

You got up and stretched, maybe it was a good time to go around the creek while Xavier is...Doing stuff.

You walked through the creek again, you made your way through the creek Xavier would freak out about you visiting every now and then for some reason. You chatted with a few kids and saw in the corner of your eye, Omar from school. You smiled and waved your hand up "Hey, Omar!".

Omar jerked up and turned his eyes to you, blushing red cursing under his breath. He gave you an awkward wave and grabbed his group of friends so they can walk faster away from the trading tree.

Omar's POV: "Omar, what the heck was that?!" "Yeah, I thought you liked (Y/N)!" "I-I do, but...!" "But what?!". Dear god, not only is she friends with Xavier but she just had to come here to the creek, is she trying to spy on this side for Xavier? We have no idea how he is after capture the flag...

Time skip

2nd person:You laid on Xavier's basement floor as he threw candy in your mouth in between of you guys conversation, iPad and in his lap and he was sitting in his bean bag chair working on some drone stuff you weren't interested in. As you opened your mouth expected the next candy, you opened your eyes and saw Xavier looking out the window cursing to himself. You say up, "Xavier, what's going on?".

"Ah! Nothing, (Y/N), my drones will take care of it"Xavier brushed off, he told you about how he placed drone secruity guards in cause anyone would trespassing on his property. You two talked for a bit until he took another look out the window and you saw his heart drop. "Xavier? Xavier, what's the matter?"You got up and tried looking with him "No, (Y/N) stay here"I sighed running out the basement then out the front door.

With Xavier gone now you lifted yourself up and looked out the window to see Omar and three other kids. Confused you ran to the living room to get to the back door into the backyard, you ducked down and slowly crouched down to listen in, hidden in the bushes. "Yo, what the heck?! You guys just wrecked my babies!"Xavier shouted his voice cracking dramatically.

Xavier had always been dramatic, so you never really questioned this part. The others weren't having it and spat about how his drones darted the short girl's bird, "Augh, they were foam! Ugh, I forgot how you children can be, it makes me glad I left that boring old creek!". You confused look plastered you, left the creek? Xavier was always weird about you going there and said how he didn't want you there and you'd listen to him if you were his friend. That's why you never told him about your days at the creek. "You didn't leave, remember we beat you in capture the flag and you ran home crying-" "Yep! So glad!".

Capture the flag? Xavier said he's too mature for the creek yet they were over here telling another story. You crawled down to the backyard and made your way to the front door.

Omar's POV:Xavier's front door opened to reveal (Y/N), she leaned her right arm on the frame and relaxed her right half of her body on the frame "Xavier! Come on, we're supposed to be hanging out". Xavier turned around and listened to (Y/N)'s calls, "Coming! Just had to deal with these children!"Xavier glared at us before taking his wrecked drone into the house with (Y/N), (Y/N) shot me another look before shutting the door.

Me, Kelsey, Craig and Jp walked off of Xavier's lawn before anyone could catch us. The way (Y/N) called out for Xavier, the way (Y/N) looked so irritated you couldn't tell if she was annoyed with us or Xavier. But it looks like my biggest fear had come true, (Y/N) was with Xavier and there was nothing I could do. So if Xavier tries putting the creek in danger, I shouldn't be surprised if (Y/N)'s help is involved.

Time skip

2nd person:You turned your body in the dark basement and saw Xavier asleep by his open iPad, you had no idea how long Xavier was on his iPad while talking to you. You hated to invade his privacy but something didn't make sense, you tip toed over to Xavier to make sure he was actually sleeping. You carried him to his sleeping bag and took a look at his iPad. The screen lit up your face and looked at what he was originally looking at through his drones.

Through his drones, you saw the creek. But something that caught your eye was the most recent footage, what his drone caught was Omar and his friends conversation. Something about the heart of the forest, but earlier they were talking about how Xavier's attempt at gaslighting and how he actually was back at the creek. You looked more and saw that his spying was going on more than you thought. You watched the footage Xavier got from the drones until you had enough to see who he really was, maybe when you leave Xavier's house in the morning you can ask Omar some more things.

The next morning

You stepped off Xavier's porch while waving bye to him, once you saw that Xavier looked away from you, you began running to the creek in search for Omar. While you ran spinning your head for him, you finally bumped into him. "Omar! Listen we need to-" "Uh, (Y/N) I'm in a hurry-"Omar tried sneaking away from you until you grabbed onto his hand dramatically pulling him in. "Omar! It's about Xavier, I know what he's all about!"You shouted then ran him out the creek.

Drones cause be anywhere or everywhere, that bird could just be a camera to his a drone or that cat crawling around the junk pile. When you and Omar stopped in front of your house he was blushing red, you told him about what you found on Xavier's iPad through his drones. "Omar, I know it seems like you don't really like me but please he already ruined the creek once we can't let him do it again!"You shouted. Omar stared at you for a bit and kicked a rock below his shoe "You need help breaking up with him?" "Breaking up with him? Omar, we were never dating...I don't know how I'm gonna cut ties with Xavier but, for now let's find his master plan and make sure his spying comes to an end!".

Omar's POV:Her and Xavier, they were never dating? Guess I thought wrong about when I saw her lean on that door frame at Xavier's in the hot weather. "What made you think we were dating?"(Y/N) pulled me from my thoughts "Oh...Well, I thought you were annoyed with his when you saw us in Xavier's backyard and that you and him were...I don't know some villain couple..."The more I explained it the more stupid I look, the kind of stupid that made (Y/N) laugh. "Omar! How can I date Xavier when I like you? I know it's useless to say it now, I always thought you didn't like me cause you often avoided me and only talked to me for work, but I honestly wouldn't date a creep like Xavier!"(Y/N) carelessly said.

She...She actually likes me, I thought I couldn't like her.

'She's friends with Xavier, that's why I can't be friends with her'

'Liking her will hurt the creek!'

'Someone who is friends with Xavier could split the creek in two if they wanted to'

I shook my head from the past thoughts about, I viewed her as this monster who would help Xavier ruin the creek but she was just a girl who didn't know who she was friends with. "(Y/N), I don't dislike you, at least not anymore...When you were friends with him, I thought you'd help Xavier ruin the creek but now I know the truth, you'd never hurt anyone...I'm sorry for thinking that of you"I sighed.

"(Y/N), now that I can finally say it, I like you too".

It felt to get that out, it could stop poking me at every given moment. "I- Oh...Well in that case, Omar, let's put our assumptions behind us and think about now, what we can be..."(Y/N) said putting her hand in front of me and I took it quickly.

Finally, after all this time, after all this painful time of shoving my feelings down, I can finally show them. Show them to her.

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