Shopping spree (Kelsey + Tony)

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Requested By:DariaBark

Tonys feet dangled from the back seat of the car on the freeway, his parents had dragged him along to go shopping with them at the mall. Tony didn't hate the mall, but he definitely did not like it. His parents needed to be there for two reasons, his mother needed to pick up something and the second reason was one of his parents friends birthday was around the corner as well as Christmas.

Sooner or later, Tony saw that his parents car was parked in the parking lot already. "Let's get this over with"Tony thought to himself walking out the vehicle along with both his parents. Tony walked inside the large mall with both his parents. "Okay, just sit there It'll be quick, I promise"Tony's mom said booping Tonys nose. Tony sat down on the sky blue cushion bench with a gumball machine next to him, when Tonys mom got the black thigh-high heeled boots she tried them on to see if they fitted or if they looked good on her. "These boots are keepers"Tonys mom said looking at her new boots, Tonys mom put her sparkly new boots in the box not regretting her decision. Tony was just relieved it didn't take long, "This'll go more easy than I thought"Tony thought to himself following along his parents.

Time skip

"Crap..."Tony said looking around for his parents, after not a long time of walking with his parents at the mall thinking things would go good Tony ended up getting lost. "Oh great, I'm lost..."Tony said, Tony started to walk while he looked around for his parents. He didn't have his phone with him because he left it at home to charge so calling them wasn't an option, while he was looking for his parents, he saw a familar someone from the creek looking lost, "Kelsey?"Tony said.

Kelsey heard Tony and quickly turned around, "Tony? What are you doing here?"Kelsey said in her more relaxed position. "My parents dragged me with them to shop at the mall and now I'm lost"Tony said, "Huh, same thing with me. I can't call my dad to come get me"Kelsey sighed. Suddenly, an idea popped into Tonys head he didn't know why it was in his head it just was. "Wait, If I don't have my parents and you don't have your dad, we can do whatever we want!"Tony said, "Well, If you think of it that way, I guess that's good"Kelsey said feeling a little better, "How about we just do whatever we want, then we look for our parents. "Hmm, deal"Kelsey said, Tony wasn't a child at the creek Kelsey hung out with but for once he actually had a good point so maybe this day at the mall could be a day to give him a chance.

But on the other hand, when Tonys parents turned around to check on Tony due to him being quieter than usual, their eyes started to read that they were at the point of screaming seeing Tony not with them. They started running around asking others if they've seen their son but a yes was never given.

Same with Kelseys dad, he stopped whatever he was doing as soon as he was sure, his child was missing. He was running around like a headless chicken seeing if anyone had seen her, not one had said yes, he was hoping that someone would say if they had seen her in one piece.

While Kelsey and Tony were having a blast at the mall, trying on silly hats, doing whatever they want, buying anything they want, It was the best. They had to make sure no one would see them and tell their parents, that was the hardest part despite the fact they had disguises on. Were they actually happy just hanging out together, but didn't they hate each other? Did they hit their heads or were they becoming genuine friends?

As they were shopping Tony saw a pair of shoes as Kelsey was in the dressing room, "lets see, this much for shoes?!"Tony said looking at the price tag, "I can pay, Tony"Kelsey said now out the dressing room, Tony felt surprised but stayed silent and let Kelsey pay for the shoes. Was Kelsey actually willing to pay for Tonys shoes for him?

Time skip

It has now been 48 minutes, Kelsey and Tony were still missing, they forgot about the plan 100% because of all the fun they were having with no parents around. "Hmm, I feel like we're forgetting something"Kelsey said, "If it's so important then how come we forgot whatever it is"Tony said walking with Kelsey, "Hmm wow, for once you're right, dork"Kelsey joked playfully punching Tonys shoulder making Tony laugh.

While Tony and Kelsey were shopping, Kelsey was shopping for new perfume and she tested them on Tony to see if she liked it. "*Cough*, Kelsey, why...Just why, you're killing my nose"Tony said sounding like he was gonna die if another spray of perfrume was on his body, "Then breathe through your mouth, Tony"Kelsey said getting some more samples of perfume.  Then, while Tony was pretending to die which was hard for Kelsey to not laugh at, he heard some teenagers talking about them being missing. Then, something clicked in Tonys head, they were supposed to go find their parents. "Kelsey, I think I know the thing you forgot...We were supposed to go unmissing!"Tony said. Then, Kelsey froze, she put all the samples back where she found them and both Tony and Kelsey ran to the bathroom to take off their disguises and ran to find their parents. Luckily they were able to find their parents quickly, "There they are!"Kelsey said running towards where her dad and Tonys parents were, "Kelsey, I see! But my small legs can't run away longer!"Tony said almost out of breath, then, Tony felt his feet lift off the ground and he was being carried on Kelseys back. Tony saw that Kelsey had picked him up so he wouldn't get left behind, "I got ya, Tony!"Kelsey said then ran faster than Tony thought she could run. A smile plastered on Tonys face seeing the start of his and Kelseys friendship. "Onward, brave knight!"Tony said in joy.

As soon as Kelseys dad and Tonys parents saw them running to them, they rushed to where they were, "Tony! Tony, don't you ever go missing like that again!"Tony's mum said in joy relieved her child was safe. Tony and Kelsey were driven home, Tony thought he should go "missing" all the time when he goes to the mall with Kelsey to spend another day with her, but that was on the maybe list.

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