Sewer queen X Female! Reader

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Requested by:YutchMathes


"You can't do this!"King Xavier screamed in rage banging his fists on the table separating you two. The bang made you jump a little but you still stayed serious.

Where was this rage coming from? This morning, King Xavier of your side of the creek invited you over to chit chat but you had something to tell him. You've been at Xaviers side of the creek for awhile and you felt like nothing but a puppet, he told everyone how to play, when they would eat, dressed them in these stupid plant clothing and if they disobeyed, let's just say you wouldn't wanna know. But one day he invaded a side of the creek you didn't know existed, where it was the total opposite. Everyone could play how they pleased, dress how they wanted and no one told them what to do. And you ended up learning a girl from school went there and went by Sewer Queen there and she gave you the confidence to finally kick Xavier to the curb. You loved this creek and you wanted to be with it badly, so you knew what had to be done.

"You ungrateful little bitch...I'm your king-"Xavier said in anger but you later got up and kicked him in the gut causing him to fall to his knees, you then reached into your bag, pulling out your old uniform. "To hell with you"You spat then ripped it letting it fall on Xaviers carpet floor, you didn't even take a moment to stay for Xaviers response. You just walked out the door leaving Xavier on his knees with his arms around his stomach.

The next day

Xaviers POV:I clicked my pen and sniffed the scented ink for a second before writing something down. That (Y/N) girl thinks she can do whatever she wants? Leaving her king like she's better. The nerve. I noticed how she looks at that Sewer girl or whatever the hell she went by. So, maybe I can teach (Y/N) a lesson by faking this love letter from that sewer bitch and trick her into thinking she actually wants to go out with her but when she gets there. No one will be there and she'll be all alone just waiting.

2nd person

It had been 6 days since you left Xaviers side of the creek and later went over to Craig's side.  You were reaching into your bag, until a small pink slip of paper with rose colored hearts and Tulips fell out, you looked at the pink slip and picked it up, you read what the slip of paper said.

'Dear, (Y/N). The most pretty and lovable girl in the world...I have been meaning to ask you, will you go on a date with me?:Thursday 5:20 pm,-Sewer Queen".

Your face turned red when you finished reading the letter, you smiled at it and put it in your bag.

On Thursday, you were all dressed up, you didn't notice Xavier was laughing at you, he couldn't wait till the date came along.

When the date came, you waited and sat at the table at the cafe Sewer Queen wanted to meet. You sat waiting for the best day of your life. Seconds turned into minutes, then, sooner or later minutes turned to hours,very long hours. Your happiness started to drift away, you wanted to call Sewer Queen but you remembered she was getting a new phone and it wasn't here yet. So you were forced to wait for her to come. You waited at the cafe for 2 hours and 10 minutes, "Ugh, where is Sewer Queen? It's 7:30 pm, I'm getting pretty hungry, the place is closing in an hour"You thought to yourself, you were getting a bit annoyed at waiting.

Time skip

The cafe closed after 10 minutes, you looked around and watched as people left. Your eyes widened with shock, you realised, you just got stood up. You waited for a moment that was never happening, a tear ran down your cheek as you sat at the table. Not knowing what to do now, you only had $30, your phone was dead, so you couldn't call your parents to come pick you up. You sighed and left the table and got yourself a taxi to get home, you got a taxi and paid it to drive you home. As you were sitting in the backseat, you were starting to believe how stupid you were. "Of course she stood you up"You thought to yourself, you thought about how she's probably laughing about it at the sewer with the others. God you wanted to rip her apart.

The next day, you ignored Sewer Queen for the whole day but you still kept it clear that you were mad at her. Sewer Queen tried to find out why you were so mad at her, "Hey, (Y/N) why are you so mad at me? Did I do something that made you mad?"Sewer Queen asked, you glared at her. "Are you really playing dumb? You stood me up at the cafe and lied about liking me...Look, just don't talk to me you played around with my feeling Sewer Queen"You said glaring. Then walked away, leaving Sewer Queen with a million questions.

Sewer Queens POV:Stood her up? I would never do that! I would never play around with (Y/N)s feelings or anyone's feelings in general. I have feelings for (Y/N) of course but I haven't really gotten the confidence to say anything to her yet. But how am I gonna tell her now? She hates my guts!

3rd person

A week later, you never really wanted to speak to Sewer Queen, you were just too angry. But on the bright side, you got to help defeat Xavier with the other kids. You learned that kid Jason was spying on Xaviers side of the creek to get some more info about where Xavier kept his candy. He recorded all their conversations with each other in case there was something important that could be used, you didn't see the problem so you let him do it. Jason knew about your drama with Sewer Queen and of course comforted you through it.

One day, when Jason was Xavier, Xavier was bad mouthing you due to you leaving. He was really salty about it and took it as betrayal, "God you wouldn't believe how ungrateful that (Y/N) girl was. I gave her everything! I'm just happy I was able to teach her a lesson..."Xavier said. Jason was later confused at that last part Xavier said, "What do you mean by that?".

"It was easy, I saw how (Y/N) looked at Sewer Queen and when (Y/N) left, I used this information to get revenge on her. I made her think her dream came true of Sewer Queen liking her back! I planted a fake love letter in her bag and made it look like it was from Sewer Queen. So if you ever think of leaving, take what I did to (Y/N) as a warning to traitors"Xavier unsettlingly smiled placing a hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason was shocked at what he heard, he looked in his pocket and saw the recorder was still going. "Y-yeah...Hey Xavier I actually gotta go now..."Jason lied hiding his panic. It felt like his heart was gonna jump out his chest, "so soon? Fine, you can go"Xavier sighed.

"Thank you, my king"Jason sighed with a fake grin, and ran to you like there was no tomorrow. Jason had already shut off the recording and finally got to you, he saw you were with Sewer Queen, "Oh hey, Jason"You said, "(Y/N)! Sewer Queen! You guys have been hating each other for nothing! It was all Xavier! Look!"Jason panicked but later was panting due to how much he ran. He was panting so much you and Sewer Queen were getting worried he might pass out but luckily he was able to show you guys the recording. When it was done, you couldn't help but look dumbfounded and Sewer Queen looked you in the eye. "*Panting* I'll let the two of you talk now, alone"Jason said panting trying to have a smile on then walked off.

"I-uh,Well,um...Well.."You said, the both of you didn't know what the hell to say to each other. All that hate was gone in a blink of an eye, but it turned to awkwardness, "I'm sorry!"You both said at the same time, "Uh, maybe we can, uh hang out on friday. To make up the so-called date...?"Sewer Queen said scratching the back of her neck,"I would love too"You said with a smile. That damn Xavier boy, he really couldn't let you go. But whatever, you had Sewer Queen now and you know she would never hurt you.

Time skip

You and Sewer Queen ended up going on that date on friday, and of course it wasn't fake like last time. The two of you ended up going to the carnival for your date. It was one minute before closing time and the two of you sat on a bench after so many hours of being there. You guys watched as people were getting ready to leave, Sewer Queen took a bite out of her cotton candy, "Well, this was a really nice day"Sewer Queen said looking at the beautiful moon, as Sewer Queen was looking at the moon you softly kissed her on the cheek. Sewer Queen blushed and wrapped her arm around you and smiled at you as you both looked at the moon together.

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