COTC Vines Part 7

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Requested by:Reginajackson1098
I'm a little surprised this book made it to see 2023 unlike my last COTC book damm. It only saw two years (2020-2021) and this book had seen three (2021, 2022 and 2023).

Goo: *Has a cat toy in her mouth*
Jp:*Thinks it's a good idea to mess with her* Hey, I shoved that toy down my pants
Goo: *Looks traumatised as hell*

Jp: *Hiding from Xavier cause he broke into his house*
Xavier:Red robin...
Jp: *Jumps out* Yum!
Xavier: *Runs towards Jp*

Roger:Mom I made you an egg, *Shows her an egg with dicks drawn on it*
Roger's mom:... *Smacks his head*


Gavin: *Trying to kick higher*HIYEAH HIYEAH-
(Adult)Jason:Wow son your whips are getting ready good
Gavin:Thanks dad :D
(Adult)Jason:*Almost crying cause he knows he's finally the dad he never had*

Jason's dad:Me and your mother should've left you in that hospital where you were born...
Jason:But ya didn't!

Eliza and Jane: *Puts George's sleeping bag in the river while he's still in it*
George: *Wakes up flowing through the river in his sleeping bag* AHHHHH

Gordy's mom:Ha, hey kids...GORDON!! Honey can you keep it down a moment I'm trying to get something done...

(Adult)Mark:Stop stop! Do you want people to start thinking I suck dick?! It's about goddamm time honestly..."

Justin: *Flys out the sky and perfectly lands in his wheelchair* I have crippling depression

Craig: *Walks in* Hey everyone...
Brigid's dog: *Growls* GRRR
Brigid:It don't bite

Jason: *Goes to hide in a rack of clothes at the store*
Jason's mom: *Is also in the rack of clothes*
Jason:Mom? Is this where you've been for the last 5 years?!
Jason's mom: *Slowly starts disappearing in the clothes rack*
Jason:MOM NO-

Eliza: *At the store and finds cream for stress relief, looks like she just met god and buys every pack*
Also Eliza: *Rubs the cream all over her skin*
George and Jane:Has she really been this stressed?

Mark:God is looking for geeks here tonight! He's looking for nerds! YEASH

Eliza:*Just got insulted* Ha, why don't you tweet about it...Send the tweet, go on send it, SEND THE FUCKING TWEET JASON!

(Adult)Adele:Two shots of vodka... *Pours a whole bottle in a glass*

Kenneth: *As a teacher* Okay class get your parents to sign your permission slip
Maya:But my parents are dead
Kenneth:Then you can't go
Maya:Can you be my parent?
Kenneth:Fuck yes

Mark:Okay kids where you wanna go?
JP:The Bahamas!
Mark:That won't be possible...
Jason:Let's go to hell :)

Kenneth: *Walking around his college and finally looks up from his phone*
The Elders: *Naruto running together* HUH!

(Adult)Jason:911, is it an emergency?
(Adult)Jason:Then what is it?
(Adult)Jane:It's Brittany, bitch

George:My parents always say I have so much to live for, yeah of course I do I gotta make my cat into satan-

Kit:Y'all know Pennywise, but get ready for his bootleg brother nickel-smart

Mark:Are you cultured? Do you know art when it is staring at you in the face?! Are you kidding me!?

Toman: *Getting ready to stick a boba straw in his boba drink*
George:Y'all aren't supposed to be drinking boba! *Runs up and smacks him*
Toman*Falls on the ground* AHHHH
Jane: *Just walked in and doesn't know what the fuck happened*
Also Jane: *Walks out*

(Young)Tea timers: *Playing pretend*
(Young)Eliza:He RuInEd My DrEaM jOuRnAl
(Young)George:i DiD nOt, JaNe SeNd HeR tO tHe PriNcIpAl'S oFfIcE To hAvE hEr ExPeLlEd!!!!!
(Young)Eliza: *Smacks George in the gut and he falls to the ground*

Stacks:It's raining, might be a storm. *Makes a picture of Lighting McQueen zoom by* Kachow

Jane:Hey look, *Writes 1300 on the mirror*
Jane: *Erases the 1 in 1300 and makes the 300 say 'Boo'*

The scouts: *Sitting in a circle with candles in it like it's a cult meeting*
Craig: *Turns on the light in the room* And I oop

Angel:So I was babysitting for some of the little kids and two of the girls come up to me, and one of them says 'She called me the B word' and the other girl turned to her and said 'Motherfucker doesn't start with a B'.

Xavier:I wanna be an orphan child in the 1700's dying of tuberculosis ugh I want that drama!!!

Boris: *Takes a glass cup and tries to do a bottle flip with it, it breaks* Gravity
Jason:Boris what the fuck are you doing this time?!

Jessica:Why you got that mask on? You don't look like Michael Myers you look like Mika Myers

Edna/Hazel:Xavier, have you seen my Juul?
Xavier.Dude we've already talked about you smoking...
Edna/Hazel:No, I could have sworn I left it right here! My sapphire was right here!
Edna/Hazel:The sapphire I brought, it was right here!
Xavier: *Realizes she meant 'Jewel' and not 'Juul'* ....

Wildernessa:Stop tormenting the rabbit, dude leave the rabbit alone
Jason: *Turns to the rabbit* Fat bitch

Jason: *Finds a suicide prevention sign* 'There is hope, there is help...'
Also Jason: *Goes on a balcony and sees a light up sign on a building saying 'Jump'* ...

Ela: *Holding an ice pack to her cheek* This video is directed to the dentist that did wisdom teeth removal surgery on me, I came in with four teeth you sent me home with two. So I have a question for you sir, where are my teeth?! Where are they you coward, you teeth thief! I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE FOUR WHERE ARE THE OTHER ONES, GIVE ME MY NOM NOMS-

Boris: *Goes up to the Bible section at a book store and puts a Heartstopper comic in it* homophobes will shake in their boots

Jason: *Reading off a sign* 'Spice your panic attack up with a harmonica* Ha, that's silly...
Also Jason weeks later: *Playing the harmonica while having a panic attack in the bathroom*

(Adult)Eliza:Hi, Jane I'm here to buy a homecoming dress for my daughter
(Adult)Eliza:She's an honors and should be getting in a good college, what about you?
(Adult)Jane:Oh well I know how to buy crack off the dark web
(Adult)Eliza:... *Wondering how Jane went from a purple tea timer to a crackhead*
Angelina: *Having the strong urge to ask Jane how to buy crack*

Jason's dad:Oh Jason you're not a mistake, you're a regret
Jason: *Holding back tears* Just a few more years and I can move out...

Xavier:Calling people daddy or mommy is gross
Keun Sup:Stop kink shaming!
Xavier:Kink shaming is my kink

(Adult)Boris:You may now kiss the groom
(Adult)Jason: *Blushes* *Saying his actions out loud* Nuzzles and kisses
(Adult)Craig: *An attempt to tease Jason back* XD

(Adult)Tony:Hey can I have a sip of water
(Adult)Boris:It's not water
(Adult)Tony:Oh vodka! I like your style-
(Adult)Boris:It's vinegar
(Adult)Boris:It's vinegar, pussy

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