Yandere! Champions prefrences

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What nicknames she calls you:
•Candy cane

"I can use my fist to smash that jerks skull in half, how 'bout that? But can you blame me, no one messes with my (Y/N)"

How she sees you:She always liked how you tried be as strong as her. Not physically, but emotionally. She saw how much you were trying to give yourself tougher skin because you didn't want people to think they can get under your skin so easily. Guess that's why she used her strength for that jerk that made you cry.

Keun Sup💨:
•Lightening bolt
•Amor (That means love in Spanish)
•연인 (Ae-In) (Thats sweetheart in Korean)

"(Y/N), if someone's trying to take you away from me you know it's pointless trying to hide it. They can run, but I can run faster"

How he views you:He met you when you were training for a race at school, despite getting second place to him when it came. He stated it was fun practicing with you. For awhile you two have been running together, guess he was starting to enjoy time with you. Guess he didn't want that time with you to end when he out ran someone that was starting to crush on you only for them to be brutally stabbed.

What nicknames he calls you:
•Teddy bear

"They say 'it's always the quiet ones', but I think it's just me"

How he views you:At school the two of you got partnered up for a school project. At first he dreaded talking to you due to how shy he was but he forced himself to actually talk to you because he thought if communication was absent when working the project won't turn out well. Now he was glad he did, you were good at making conversation with him and gave him the chance to actually talk to you, giving him the chance to actually become obsessed with you over time. If only you knew how he used his silence to observe and watch every person who tries to take you away from him.

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