Maya x fem! Reader

504 13 10

Requested Bysallyhasbeenhere
(Y/N):Your name
(H/C):Hair color
Also, I recommend not playing the mashup at the top until I say to.

You walked to the other side of the creek rubbing your right forearm, you stepped over a toad on the ground as you got closer. You had just gotten back from school and let's just say P.E wasn't the best, ranting to your girlfriend, Maya was all you could basically do now since you didn't have any friends on your side of the creek. You kept walking until you finally got to the secret hideout you and Maya made. You saw Maya in there waiting for you after you had texted her to meet her there. "Hey, (Y/N) I got your text you said you wanted to tell me about something that happened at P.E at school"Maya said.

"I did, I'm still mad about it!"You practically shouted but stayed quiet last minute remembering you were basically trespassing since you weren't really from this side of the creek. "*Sighs* C'mon..."Maya said with her arms out in a greeting manner, you sighed as well and climbed into her arms. "So what happened in P.E today?"Maya asked leaning back, "Well, in P.E we were playing hockey but we had to be on those scooters you sit on, then this guy from the other team hit me with his hockey stick of course I hit him back and he fell off his scooter looking like a dumbass I told him 'Yeah stay down' but the P.E teacher asked why I was hitting people with my hockey stick I told him that he hit me, luckily I wasn't in trouble but it still made me mad!"You explained.

"Someone hit you?! Where did he hit you?!"Maya asked you pointed to your right forearm where the boy hit you. "*Sighs* Well he's a jerk...But I'm glad you stuck up for yourself"Maya said "Of course I did! I'm not letting someone hit me and get away with it!"You said. Maya chuckled and kissed your forehead, "I'm glad...".

Time Skip

You brush out your (H/C) hair in front of your vanity as your outfit shined. A month after that day passed and Maya said King Xavier was in such a good mood that he hosted a ball. Maya wanted to take you of course but you weren't from her side of the creek you were apart of that Craig kids side, you couldn't join Xaviers side because you liked playing freely and not being told what to wear but you also loved Maya. So, Maya had a plan to sneak you in by giving you a disguise for the dance. You put on a masquerade mask with a veil at the end.

Maya was waiting for you by your front door and when you saw her waiting, you grabbed your purse and ran out the door. When both of you were ready, you walked to the other side of the creek together holding hands. She had already told King Xavier she was bringing a date so he wouldn't get suspicious. After all, it was only a few hours and at least it was a night with Maya.

Time Skip

The two of you were finally at the King Xavier's side of the creek, Maya let you in holding your hand to the dance. "So this is the date you were telling me about Maya?"Xavier said, Maya nodded still holding your hand. Luckily King Xavier brought it and the dance was carried on with.

"He actually brought it?"You said when Maya started walking you away from Xavier "Yeah! Guess we can dance the night away in peace"Maya winked.

Time Skip

It had been a few hours of the dance going and no one had suspect you of not being apart of Xaviers side of the creek. As you were sipping your drink while Maya talked, you heard some music being put on by Xavier. "To celebrate the final hour of this night, how about we end it with a nice dance"Xavier smiled looking down at everyone else from his throne that was higher up.

Maya's POV:This was a perfect moment for me and (Y/N), I glanced at her hand and grabbed it. "May I have this dance?"I asked, "Do what you want..."(Y/N) smiled as I walked her to the dance floor.

(Now you can play the music at the top)

I did what (Y/N) allowed me to do, dance with her. I watched the veil to her masquerade mask flow as she moved to the beat with me. But as I was twirling (Y/N) around I saw someone whispering to King Xavier, then Xavier eyed (Y/N) and me but I pretended I didn't notice and kept dancing with (Y/N).

Neither of us were getting tired of dancing, I was having a good time and she was having a good time. Any moment with her is amazing...But as I dancing with (Y/N) I saw the same kid that was talking to Xavier earlier try to sneak up on (Y/N) to pull off her mask. Oh no...If (Y/N)s mask is pulled off Xavier will know something is up, he knows each and every kid on his side by heart and he knows a trespasser when he sees one. This'll get (Y/N) in the maze faster than I could backstab Omar all those years ago...

I quickly moved (Y/N) away from the kid but still keeping the same style of the dance to the music, but (Y/N) didn't know I practically saved her from the worst place in this side of the creek. The kid was trying again and again to take (Y/N)s mask off to reveal her real face, each time I swayed (Y/N) away from that kid, this dance was becoming a way to pretend (Y/N) than to show her a good time. Every move was to get (Y/N) to avoid this kid, what was his problem?!

But at the end of the song this kid tried really hard to take her mask off, unfortunately he was too sneaky about revealing my girlfriends identity so no one was seeing him try to take off (Y/N)s mask but me. Just when the kid was about to take off (Y/N)s mask I just threw her up in the air, luckily this wasn't the first time we did this and we practiced so no one would get hurt when we did this when dancing. I quickly ran to catch (Y/N) just when the song finally came to a stop. She happily cheered and hugged then gushed about how incredible that was.

I sighed in relief seeing her safe and that what I did worked. I stood up holding her bridal style. "My, what a performance from Maya...Didn't know you knew such advanced dancing, surprised you believed your lying was just as advanced as dancing..."King Xavier said.

My eyes shrunk in horror as I put (Y/N) down, oh no...Did he find out? Everyone started looking at me and (Y/N) confused on what Xavier meant, "This little   cherry blossom here seemed to have found the truth, turned out he used to be apart of that other side and knows every kid there from heart just like me. And he seemed to have spotted an other sider right here at this dance, brought by Maya"Xavier said.

Crap..."Maya, do you realize how bad this is for this side? You brought an other sider here, how do you know she won't do anything to this creek I care oh so deeply about?"Xavier said in fake saddness, (Y/N) eyed me in fear not knowing what to do. "*Sighs* I'll talk to you in a moment, but for now I need someone to put Mayas 'date' where she belongs, to the maze she goes!"Xavier shouted in anger, I looked behind (Y/N) and saw Aggie trying to grab her, but I grabbed her arm and ran out of there with her. I'm not letting her in the maze...

As we ran, we were getting closer to the overpast. "(Y/N) get on this kiddie pool now! Go back to your side of the creek, I'll keep them away"I said getting (Y/N) on an old kiddie pool near the overpast. "But Maya, what about-"She tried to speak while getting on the kiddie pool but I put my index finger over her lips "(Y/N), I love you I can't let you get hurt so I'm sorry you have to get on this kiddie pool..."I sighed, (Y/N) sadly looked at me then hugged me tightly "I love you..."She said. I hugged her back, "I do too..."I sighed and with that I took my bat and pushed the kiddie pool to make it move (Y/N) to her side of the creek.

I may get in trouble with the king, but it'll be worth it. I did everything for her...

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