Sadness in summer

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Jason is 14 in this.

Summer finally came, now it was Jason's time to spend 3 months resting. Jason sat on the living room couch on his phone, until he heard his mother walk towards him with her phone. "Jason, you'll be going to high school next year so I was thinking, would you like to go to this high school?"Jason's mom showed Jason the school she mentioned. Jason looked at what was being showed to him and saw it was pretty far away but not so far he'd have to move.

Jason already had a high school he wanted to go to and it was a high school where his boyfriend, Craig was going as well as Tony and Boris. He didn't wanna be away from them so, he was honest with his mother. "Sorry mom but I don't think I wanna go to that school, besides I'm already planning to go to Herkleston high like Craig, Tony and Boris". Jason got back on his phone expecting his mom to leave it at that but she put her phone in her pocket with an annoyed look. "It's not like they'll stay anyways, do you know how many friends I had in high school? Many, and only 2 stayed"Jason's mother said crossing her arms, Jason ignored his mom continuing to be on his phone trying not to get angry but Jason's mom saw that he was ignoring her, "Jesus christ...You were such a good little sweetie, but now that you're hanging around those hooligans-", that sentence unleashed a sudden anger in Jason. Hearing his friends be trash talked made him angrier. "Don't you talk about my friends that way!".

"Fine! Hang onto them, now that you've made friends and found love you're obsessed with them and it's not like they'll stay with you for long!"Jason's mother argued, "I don't get it! A few months ago you were obsessed with me talking to every kid my age now you don't want me to have anyone! You and dad always left me by myself don't be surprised that I don't wanna leave my friends like you always left me!"Jason argued back. It didn't even take a few minutes for a large argument to break out in the living room.

Until, Jason started tearing up while arguing with her and just ran to his room slamming the door. Jason looked at his phone and turned on some music, "Might as well take advantage of this 100% battery"Jason thought to himself as the music he put on started playing and he got on his bedroom floor and just laid there.

Music Jason put on:

1 hour and a half later

While Jason was busy losing track of time of his depressive state of laying on the floor while music played, his parents were getting ready to leave, his father called out to Jason that they'll be leaving for a little bit. Just when Jason's mom opened the door to walk out, Tony and Boris were at the door already wanting to hang out with Jason. "Hi ma'am, we're here for Jason"Tony said and Boris politely waved, "You can come in, we were about to leave so you can keep him company"Jason's mother said then walked out the house.

Tony and Boris shut the door for both Jason's mom and dad and they walk up the stairs to get to Jason's room. Tony knocked on Jason's bedroom door, after 30 seconds no answer and Boris knocks this time. After 1 minute and still no answering of the door, Boris opened up Jason's bedroom door only to be greeted with Jason laying on the floor and music playing.

But, since neither Tony or Boris could see Jason's face cause it was facing away from them they couldn't see Jason blinking. That caused them to think Jason had passed out without his parents knowing, "Ah! Boris, call 911, Jason fainted!"Tony said then rushed to Jason's side to check for a pulse. Jason felt Tony's touch and turned his head to face Tony. "Tony?"Jason said then tried sitting up only for Tony to lay him back down "Don't get up so quickly! Me and Boris found you passed out and Boris is calling 911"Tony said trying to keep Jason laid down.

A rise of panic filled Jason, "Ack! Guys, I wasn't passed out, Boris don't call 911!"Jason said and Boris did just that. Jason sighed in relief and Tony stopped trying to keep Jason laid down. "Then why were you just laying on the floor?"Tony asked as Jason started sitting up "Cause of my dang mom! You won't believe the type of nonsense she was speaking before you guys came!"Jason said then turned off the music for him to vent.

"I was on the couch minding my own business just on my phone trying to relax, then she came recommending I go to some school that's not Herkleston high...She gets annoyed and claims once I go to high school you guys and Craig will leave me just cause her friends left her when she was in high school! And went on and on about how you guys are bad influences, she had the nerve to blame me 'acting out' on you guys and Craig!"Jason ranted to which Boris gasped at the last part.

"That hag doesn't know us at all! We're not bad influences! How does she know how we are, her and your dad were always on some business trip and working insane hours!"Tony said, "I know right! She probably wants all my friends to be gone so'd we spend time together but interfering with my friendships is messed up, she's insensitive that's what she is!"Jason said then got up to kick a shoe on the floor. "Freakin' hate her and my dad..."Jason mumbled under his breath then threw the shoe to the wall in anger.

Jason sighed and sat down in between Boris and Tony, "*Sighs* I don't mean to make this about me, you guys came over to have fun not listen to me rant about my mommy and daddy issues..."Jason said almost choking due to feeling tears come on. Then, Jason felt Boris and Tony's arms wrap around him. "No no, you don't have to feel bad"Boris said while hugging Jason.

"Don't feel bad for venting to us, it's better than bottling them up you didn't ruin us hanging out. Your mom and dad shouldn't have left you alone for all those years, if your mom wants to try and build a relationship with you getting Craig and us out the picture isn't the way to go...Jason, it's okay me and Boris won't leave you, we may get into different friend groups but that doesn't mean we'll stop caring for you, right now you can hug us for as long as you want"Tony said.

Jason blinked his eyes a few times and there was just silence for a few seconds until Jason held Tony and Boris's arms. It had been awhile since Jason had actually vented to Tony and Boris and when they all just reminded each other they'll be there for each other like this. "*sniff* Thank you, Tony and Boris..."Jason sighed feeling small tears come down from his face in happiness to actually have Boris and Tony by his sides.

Ye, decided to make a story focused on the scout trio. I love this trio with all my heart and I'm glad I got to write more on their friendship. And the inspiration I got to write this I'm not so glad for...I wrote this to kinda vent myself, cope and find comfort cause something like this happened to me with my mom. I used Jason cause I'm a Jason kinnie. I just really find comfort when I do this, I'm kinda doing okay now I guess but anyways I hope you enjoyed this as much as I had fun writing this.

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