Yandere! Omar X Female! Reader

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Requested by:liyanabatrisiya
You and Omar will be 16 in this.

Your feet walked through the park near your house, usually you would be with your boyfriend, Omar. But he was busy with something. You didn't mind and decided to just take a walk in the park before shopping for a new outfit to wear for the date you guys had the next day. As you were walking, you saw a boy from school also walking. You knew who he was and decided to say hello. His name was Xavier and he was in your elective class and P.E class, you took a liking to each other a month ago but you wouldn't consider each other best friends or super duper close you just like to hang out with each other.

The two of you got into a conversation until your phone vibrated, it was a reminder on your phone to get ready to go shopping for a new outfit for your date. You didn't bring any money or anything else you'll need to shop so you told Xavier you'll have to go and it was nice talking to him.

You both said goodbye and you wanted home.

Xaviers POV:It feels somewhat weird having (Y/N) as a friend after what happened when I was like, 12. But, I'll get used to it.

Omar's POV:He really thinks we're that stupid, I saw the whole thing. I knew following (Y/N) to the park was a good idea because I wouldn't have been able to catch Xavier trying to do what he did with me and Maya. He'll probably manipulate her into thinking that they're friends, then boom! Xavier goes back to his old ways, not that he even changed.

The next day

It was a few hours before my date with (Y/N) I had Xavier in my trap, he was alone at the same park he was at with (Y/N). No hesitations, I need to keep (Y/N) away from him.

I quietly walked towards him with anger, remembering everything he did when we were 12. I'll never let (Y/N) go through that same pain not in a million years.

(Blood warning for this paragraph, Skip to the next one if you don't want to read about blood:I pulled out a large and heavy dumbbell and hit Xavier across the back of his head with it not feeling any regret, he was knocked out cold and his head hit the ground. I dragged him to the bushes and dropped the dumbbell on Xavier's head as hard as I could, I pulled out my knife and did what I waited to do for awhile. Every stab made me feel better, that I was free from him, he will finally get what he deserves since his parents let him do what he wanted. I wanted to go on longer, but (Y/N) was waiting for me. I dragged the body into a trash bag and disposed of his body, he'll have a good time in hell.

Recap:Omar kills Xavier:I cleaned myself up from what I did and went into my car to drive to where (Y/N) should be waiting for me for our date.

I arrived just in time to the date where (Y/N) was waiting, she dressed her best tonight. I'll protect you (Y/N), you're my girlfriend and after what happened with Xavier, I can't let anyone hurt you. Even if you may doubt I care about you at times, it'll never be true, I'll always be there for you.

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