Chapter 4

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A/N: Okay so like...sorry. I'm a terrible updater but I've been a bit busy lately so I pulled my shit together to give y'all this story haha. PS: Always read the authors notes at the end... Well normally do but read this one!

Oh and the whole writing in specific point of views isn't working out for me for this story...


"So babe, what are you up to on this fine evening?" Perrie asked turning to her boyfriend, Zayn.

"I actually have to go meet up with the guys in a bit. We have a meeting with management." He explained with somewhat of a glum expression.


Perrie would never know that though.

Noting her disappointed expression, Zayn quickly spoke again. "I'm sorry. It's kinda important. Why don't you go out with Tiffany tonight?"

"On vacation in Italy."






"I haven't spoken to her in months!"


"Took the night shift."


"That's a fictional character Zayn!"

"Well what about Leigh-Anne?" He suggested.

"She's our maid, Zayn."

"Yeah but you two have become quite good friends lately."

"Yeah...that's true...but-"

"But nothing. Just go hang out with her!" Zayn convinced her.

Although Zayn would prefer Perrie to go out with someone other than their maid, whom he was planning on shagging, he needed her out of the house for a few hours due to a... friend of his coming over that night.

"Alright. I will." Perrie agreed.

It was true, Perrie and Leigh-Anne had become good friends over the past month she had been working for them, but Perrie had become somewhat nervous around Leigh since discovering her feelings for the older girl just last week.

Now I know what you're thinking. Perrie has a boyfriend! How could she possibly have feelings for somewhat else? A girl to be exact.

Well Perrie wasn't exactly sure how either. The girl had never questioned her sexuality and

had always been very much into guys, but Leigh was different. There was something about this girl that absolutely blew Perrie's mind and she couldn't help but gravitate towards such an amazing woman.

After trudging up the stairs to Leigh's bedroom in the house, she let out a sigh and knocked on the door.

"One second!" Leigh shouted from the other side of the door followed by a series of fumbling noises before the door flung open, revealing a flustered looking Leigh-Anne,

"Hey Pez. What's up?" She asked, causing Perrie to slightly smile at the nickname she had been given not too long ago.

"Hey. Um I was just wondering if you had any plans for tonight?"

"Yeah I'm actually going out clubbing with my two friends Jesy and Jade. Why?"

"Oh. Erm. Nevermind." Perrie said as she started to walk away.

"Wait!" Leigh called after her, causing Perrie to turn around.

"I was actually about to ask you if you'd like to come. Jesy and Jade are actually a couple and I'm worried about being a bit third-wheel-y." She explained.

"Uh Yeah sure."

"Great. We're leaving at 7:30."

"Alright" Perrie smiled.

"Oh! And Perrie?"


"Wear something sexy." Leigh stated adding a wink before closing the door, leaving a flustered Perrie.


A/N: So watcha think?? I'm kinda scared that it's a bit unbelievable but hey, you can't judge me. I don't exactly have too many Lerrie fanfics to reference if I'm ever in need of help!

Also I changed my Twitter name so I'll leave that below. Sorry by the way for the lack of updating. I've kinda had quite a bit going on these past 2 weeks.

Also! I made ANOTHER Zayn fanfiction haha. It is called "All My Secrets and Me" and it's about a girl named Jesy(not supposed to be Jesy from Little Mix, I just happen to be fond of the name) who is the sister of Harry Styles and she and Zayn form somewhat of a romance over time and she's keeping quite the dirty little secret from them both.

More self promotion! WOO!

Haha Kay, bye.

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Twitter: @_FakeLiamPayne_


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