Chapter 1

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"Are you serious?!" Perries voice boomed through the house as she walked inside the door to her and her boyfriend, Zayn's, flat.

"Someone's in trouble." Louis, one of Zayns bandmates, taunted.

Zayn was in a world famous band known as One Direction. He had currently spent all day with his band members Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam at his house and they had somehow manage to completely wreck the place.

Perries heels clacked down the hallway and into the den to meet her boyfriend with furious eyes. "This place is a wreck!" She stated while taking a better look around.

Zayn let out a sigh and sat up to better meet Perries glares. "I'm sorry, it's just the guys and I got a bit carried away a-"

"Of course!" She cut him off. "Always 'the guys and I' and I'm sick of coming home from the studio to a mess. I'm sure as hell not cleaning this up and you never do. We're getting a maid!" She continues.

"But-" Zayn started before his friend Harry cut him off. "Now now Zayn. I think Perrie's got a point." He told him with a slick grin on his face.

"Thank you, Harry." She said before turning to go upstairs.

Once she was out of hearing range Zayn turned and question his mate.

"Why did you agree with her?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Listen mate, I'm not an idiot. You're not an idiot. Think about it! Perrie will let you hire whoever you want, as long as they get the job done. Do you know what kind of a babe you could get? Not to mention you're the famous Zayn Malik. What girl wouldn't drop her panties for you?" Harry explained just quiet enough so Perrie wouldn't be able to hear.

The more Zayn thought about it, the better of an idea it had seemed to be. Zayn had never been very faithful to Perrie and having someone around the house to be able to shag with when Perrie wasnt around wouldn't be too bad. A grin soon appeared on Zayns face.

"Alright. Lets do this."


Two weeks had passed and it was the day their new maid would start. Both Perrie and Zayn were incredibly excited but for different reasons.

Perrie thought something might actually get done around the house and was ecstatic. Zayn on the other hand thought something might actually get done in the bed, which made him aroused. Perrie and Zayn were indeed sexually active, but it was never enough for Zayn.

The door bell sounded throughout the house, inturrupting his Zayn's thoughts, as he quickly opened the door to none other than the gorgeous girl he had hired for the job, 21 year old Leigh-Anne Pinnock.

"Goodmorning, Sir." She greeted him as kindly as she could. "Goodmorning Leigh-Anne. Why so formal? Please, call me Zayn." He greeted her with his signature smile.

Zayn led her into the house to give her a quick tour, with a few unnecessary touches here and there to get his point across. Leigh-Anne was completely oblivious to her new boss' indications though, as she was more focused on the tour of the house.

Finally, they ended in the kitchen to be greeted by a gorgeous blonde woman.

Leigh was taken with this girls beauty, and was suddenly incredibly excited about this new job. Perrie noticed the thin, curly haired beauty and was a bit nervous for having her around the house with Zayn but quickly brushed it off.

"Hello. I'm Perrie." The light-haired girl greeted in a gentle voice.

"Leigh-Anne." She responded and reached out her hand. Perrie took it and the two girls immediatly had an eruption of butterflies in their stomachs.

Trying not to let it faze them, they quickly shook hands and acted as if nothing had happened.

"Well, I better get started." Leigh said before heading off to clean.

"She seems nice." Perrie told Zayn once Leigh-Anne had exited the room. Zayn nodded in agreement before heading off to work on how best to get the new maid in bed.

Perrie sat down and realized the butterflies that still hasn't completely stopped fluttering in her gut. Having a maid would truly be an interesting experience.


Hey guys! So this was chapter one of my fanfiction so I hope you lot enjoyed it(: I got some good ass plans for this story so stick around! Pardon my explicit language but I tend to swear like a sailor.

For the future I do intend on writing smut! And from now on I will write from a specific point of view rather than from in third person.

Finally the continents of this story in now way show my opinions of the real Zayn Malik, or any other person in this story. I'm sure they're all lovely people but how I write their personalities here is purely fictional and all for the sake of this story.

I, however, will not include my beliefs and theories having to do with the romantic lives of any of the characters in this story while on this particular account. If you would actually enjoy knowing my personal beliefs on their romantic life, I shall leave my twitter below for any questions and if any of you would like to contact me for any reason.

Twitter: @_FakeLiamPayne_

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