never leave you ~ dimitri x fem!reader

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this was a requested oneshot! thank you so much for your request!

summary - dimitri tries to find you, and realizes you've gone missing, alongside flayn. he is determined to get you back.

genre - fluff

warnings - kissing

word count - 540


Dimitri headed down to the dining hall, and frowned, not seeing his girlfriend there. She was always there, awaiting him with her gentle smile. Today, however, she was not.

"Hey, Mercedes, have you seen Y/n?" Dimitri asked, sitting down next to Felix.

Mercedes frowned, shaking her head. "I haven't, I'm sorry, Dimitri."

Dimitri smiled in an attempt to mask his concern. "It's quite alright, Mercedes. Well, how about you, Felix?"

Felix rolled his eyes. "I don't keep tabs on your girlfriend. I thought that was your job."


Upon hearing of the disappearance of Seteth's younger sister, Flayn, Dimitri figured both of these disappearances were connected. He brought this up to Lady Rhea and Seteth, and they agreed to look into it.

Everyone had come up with the conclusion that this was the doing of the Death Knight; but why had they taken the girls?

"We must get them back." Dimitri declared.

"Dimitri, we must not be rash. Lady Rhea has ordered us to depart at the end of this month, not this early." Professor Byleth had said to Dimitri.

"Please, Professor," Dimitri had reasoned with her. "Y/n is the most important girl in my life. I need to get her back."

Byleth thoughtfully looked at the blond boy. "Alright, I'll look into it for you."

"You have my eternal gratitude, Professor."


Professor Byleth found suspicious activity coming from Professor Jeritza's chambers. Once she investigated, alongside Dimitri and a few other Blue Lions, they found Professor Manuela laying unconscious, with her hand pointing towards an opening in the wall. They went down, and saw two unconscious figures.

One had mint green hair that was messy and brushed back; Flayn.

The other had tangled h/c hair and a cut on her lip; Y/n. 

Dimitri's lip trembled seeing his girlfriend laying unconscious.

"Oh, my beloved, I should've been able to protect you from this..." Dimitri knelt, gently stroking her cheek.

"Dimitri, come on, you must be strong." Byleth spoke.

"You're right... I will kill that vile creature."


Dimitri swung his lance, striking the Death Knight repeatedly.

"Okay... I yield... but do not think I'm done here. I will slit your throat eventually." The Death Knight warned, before teleporting away alongside the Flame Emperor.

"Well fought, everyone. We must return to the monastery." Professor Byleth announced. Dimitri was just eager to see Y/n.

Once they returned to the monastery, Dimitri headed up to the infirmary where Manuela was taking care of Y/n. 

"Oh, Dimitri, Y/n's been asking for you, it's great that you're here. I'll give the two of you some privacy." Manuela smiled at Dimitri.

"Thank you, Professor." Dimitri smiled, making his way over to the bed where Y/n was.

"Dimitri?" Her voice sounded, making Dimitri smile more.

"Yes, my beloved, I'm here now." He held her hand, as he sat on the edge of her bed.

She smiled, pulling herself up.

"No, Y/n, you need to rest!" Dimitri insisted.

She shrugged. "Why? I feel perfectly fine."

He laughed, leaning in to kiss her. She eagerly kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I will never leave you again, I swear it." Dimitri vowed, holding her face in his hands.

"You're too good, Dimitri."

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