BL: how they would kiss/kissing headcanons

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- i feel like he wouldn't really know what to do at first

- you would need to show him how to do it

- once he gets the rhythm down, he's a natural

- pre-timeskip, i feel like his kisses would be very gentle, yet full of emotion


- now, post-timeskip dimitri is a different story entirely

- his kisses are rough, and degrading

- before he gets himself together, he wouldn't care if your lips start bleeding or were bruised

- after he gets it together though, he's gentle, almost hesitant to kiss you, or touch you at all

- after the first few times, he gets more comfortable, kissing you sweetly, occasionally passionately

- i feel like he probably would use tongue, especially during spicy time

- overall, you love his kisses so much



- i think he would only really give you kisses on the cheek or forehead, pre-timeskip

- he wouldn't really know how to reciprocate the feelings, after all, most people are biased against the people of Duscur

- but you show him that not everyone from Fódlan feels that way

- so, just before the war, he upgrades to giving you light, gentle pecks on the lips, which still leave you both blushing


- when you saw this man after he was presumed dead, you guys shared a very passionate kiss

- it was one that was unlike Dedue, very different from his occasional pecks

- soon, he realizes how nice it is to have someone that cares for him

- needless to say, he starts kissing you more often

- his kisses post-timeskip are still gentle, yet full of emotion and passion

- i think he would only use tongue on spicy occasions

- every time you guys kiss, you are both left blushing



- oh man, buckle your seatbelts, friends

- so, i think pre-timeskip Sylvain would go straight in with tongue

- i think he would be very sloppy with his kisses

- unless, he's in a serious mood, then his kisses would be more firm and passionate

- you love his sloppy kisses, though


- since he's more mature, (i say that kinda loosely in this context,) he has learned that sloppy doesn't always mean enjoyable

- so, he has changed, and puts emotion into the kiss, so his kisses are a bit more firm, less tongue

- don't think he's given up on his sloppy kisses!

- they still come out, especially if you both are in the right mood

- he knows when and when not to bring out the sloppy kisses

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