interruptions ~ claude x gender neutral!reader

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this was a requested oneshot! thank you so much for your request!

summary - you and claude decide to go on an expedition, and get interrupted multiple times.

genre - fluff

warnings - none

word count - 446


"Hey, Y/n! I was wondering if you'd like to come with me on an expedition today." Claude asked his friend.

"Sure!" Y/n said, a smile crossing their face.

"Ughhh," someone groaned, approaching the pair.

Claude sighed. "Hey, Lorenz. What's got your panties in a twist?"

Lorenz glared at Claude. "I am not in the mood for your tomfoolery, Claude. If you must know, I dropped all of my new tea leaves. They went everywhere! They were a new brew, too..."

"Gee, Lorenz, that sounds like the end of the world" Y/n rolled their eyes. "If you'll excuse us, we'll be off."

Lorenz looked shocked. "How dare you dismiss my problems like that!"

Y/n and Claude barely heard Lorenz's complaining, as they headed out. They decided to check out a nearby forest, to see if they could find a new hangout spot.

They found a suitable spot, and laid down a blanket.

Y/n smiled. They enjoyed the feeling of the breeze against their face, and the sounds of the birds chirping.

"So, Y/n, did you get a chance to ask the professor about getting your advanced seal?" Claude asked.

They shook their head. "Well, I did ask, but she said I should study a bit more before I take the exam to make sure I will do my best."

Claude shrugged. "I know you'll get there soon! You are one of the most talented in the Golden Deer. Maybe I'm a bit biased, you are my best friend and all."

"Thanks for that, Claude." Y/n smiled, laying back on the blanket.

It had been a few minutes, and Claude was planning something.

Y/n's arms were up, leaving their sides open. He reached over, and began tickling them.

Y/n shrieked, attempting to pry Claude's hands off of their body. "Claude, stop!" They were laughing so hard, they almost couldn't speak.

Claude complied, stopping his tickling.

Now, Claude was laughing.

"What on earth?" Lorenz's voice sounded behind them.

"Did you follow us?" Claude asked.

Lorenz crossed his arms over his chest in a snobby manor. "I wanted to see what was so important that you had to dismiss my tea leaf problem."

"Trust me, anything is more important than your tea leaves." Y/n said, their deadpan expression caused Claude to stifle a laugh.

"What! The blasphemy! I am from the Noble House Gloucester, you cannot insult me like that!" Lorenz gasped.

Y/n laughed. "Pretty sure I just did."

"Thanks for interrupting us yet again, Lorenz." Claude sighed.

"You two are absolutely outrageous." Lorenz scoffed, and walked away.

Once he was out of earshot, the pair burst out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

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