beautiful ~ post timeskip!constance x fem!reader

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summary - you and constance have had an unspoken thing. you make it into more after the war.

genre - fluff

warnings - none

word count - 498


Constance ran her hand through her long blonde curls. She came up from Abyss, and was going to see Y/n.

She knocked on the door. She was careful to avoid the sun on the way here.

"Y/n!!" Constance basically screamed, engulfing the other girl in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hi, Connie." Y/n smiled as she let go.

Constance sighed. "You know I hate that name!"

"Sorry, beautiful. It's fun to tease you." Y/n gave a triumphant smirk as blush graced Constance's cheeks.

"I was hoping you would come down to Abyss with me... I need help perfecting some of my magic." Constance asked.

Y/n smiled. "Anything for a pretty girl like you."

Her eyes widened. "Y/n!! You have clearly been spending far too much time with Sylvain."

Y/n laughed. "Let's just go."


"Connie, you did it!" Y/n smiled, feeling proud of her. After many, many hours of work, the spell was perfect. She was able to turn a white cat into a purple one. "I've always wanted a purple cat."

It meowed as Y/n stroked its now purple fur.

"I can't believe it!" Constance exclaimed.

"I knew you could do it," Y/n hugged her. She pulled away, staring at Constance's wide smile. "Connie... will you follow me for a moment?"

Constance raised an eyebrow, hesitantly nodding. "Uhm... sure?"

Y/n took her hand, leading her out of Abyss. Night had fallen, and crickets could be heard in the distance.

The two arrived at the Goddess Tower.

"Y/n, what in the name of the Goddess are we doing here?" Constance asked.

"I have something to ask you, Connie." Y/n turned, staring into her beautiful violet eyes.

"Wait... Y/n, this is where people go when they want to make a deep promise... Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Constance asked, any joking moods quickly swept away, replaced with more seriousness than Y/n had ever seen on her face.

"Just let me talk," she pressed a finger to Constance's lips, silencing her further questions. "Constance... it's no secret how I feel about you. Sure, we never really put a label on our relationship, but I feel like we never really needed to. It was just special to us. But now, I want to put a label on it. I want you to be my wife. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, until we grow to be old ladies, and even then our love will still be so strong. I love you, Constance." 

Y/n knelt down, pulling out a beautiful ring, with an amethyst to match Constance's eyes.

"Oh, Y/n..." tears were pouring down Constance's cheeks. "Yes! I will marry you." Y/n slipped the ring onto her finger, and she pulled her fiancée into a hug.

"I love you, Connie... and I'll never stop."

"I love you more, Y/n..." her face was buried in Y/n's neck "And for the record, I still despise that name... but when you say it, I guess it's not so bad."

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