Chapter 35- The day is here.

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 Emily's POV

A month and a half later (1st of March) 

I'm sitting at home being lazy with Niall. Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis had a interview 2 hours away and Laya is going with them because Louis wanted her to so Niall stayed with me. He didn't want to go and Harry wanted someone to stay with me since I am getting close to my due date and the doctor said she could come early. She has been kicking a lot today and I've been having some pains so I have pretty much been on the couch all day and Niall is watching Jersey Shore with me. "Why do you like this show?" He asked me after 3 hours. "Because it has drama, its hilarious and entertaining and Pauly D is the best DJ ever!" I said. "Okay then. How are your pains? If your still having them, we need to take you to the hospital. They said if they didn't stop in a few hours you needed to go because she might be coming." He said. "They are still here and they are getting a little bit harder. I can't tell much. I have a high tolerance of pain." I said. "Let's go." Niall said getting up. We went to the car. He drove us to the hospital. "Are you going to text Harry?" He asked me. "No. Let's find out what they say first. I don't want him getting stressed out if its nothing." I said. We got there and went in. They took us back immediately because of Niall being there and it being Harry's baby we get a little bit of special treatment. "Okay. Lay down." The doctor said. I laid down on the bed and Niall sit in the chair. "How bad are your pains?" He asked me. "Not that bad. I have high pain tolerance so I don't really know. Probably 6 out of 10." I said. "Okay. Lets check you." He said. "I don't understand how you haven't been hurting more and your water hasn't broke. Your half way there. We are gonna leave you alone for a little bit and see what happens" He said. "Okay. Niall call Harry or he'll kill both of us." I said. Niall called him and he picked up immediately. "Harry. We're at the hospital. ..No, Izellah is coming like pretty soon. Where are you guys? .. So you'll be here in a hour or so.. Okay.. I'll tell her.. Bye." Niall said on the phone he hung up. "So?" I asked him. "They'll be here in an hour or less. He said he loves you and knows you'll be okay." Niall said. "Okay." I said. "Your not feeling any pain or anything?" He asked me. "Not so far." I said. "You'll be fine. Harry knows it and I know it. He'll be here soon and until then I'm here. I know you want Harry right now. He's coming babe." Niall said playing with my hair. "Thanks Niall." I said. "No problem." Niall said smiling at me.

3 hours later.

I woke up to bad pains in my back. "Damn." I said quietly opening my eyes. "Harry." I said. "I said I would be here." He said smiling leaning over and kissing me. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Currently, horrible." I said. "The guys are all here, so is Laya, your mom and my mom." Harry said. I nodded. "You might wanna know that your dad is supposed to be on his way." He said. "That don't mean anything. He might or might not come. I don't care." I said. "They said it shouldn't be long until its time. They say your doing really good and while you were asleep they broke your water and started something to try to start your labor." Harry said. "Okay." I said. "You nervous?" Harry asked me. "No. I'm just ready for her to be out and this pain to stop." I said. He played with my hair. "It'll be okay. I promise." He said. "Are you nervous? Your fixing to be a dad." I said. "No. I'm excited to see her and hold her." He said sweetly. "Are you gonna cry?" I asked him. "Well your feeling good enough to harass me. I might cry. I don't know. You?" He said smiling. "I know I will. I get emotional especially about her. There is times I cry at doctors appointments Harry." I said. "I know. I've been there." He said smiling.

2 hours later

"One more time." the doctor said. I heard a baby start crying. "It's a girl." The doctor said. Harry smiled crying and holding my hand. I starting crying after Harry. They took her to get her cleaned up and Harry went with her. "Happy tears?" The nurse said. I nodded. "It can definitely be overwhelming." She said. "Do you want me to go tell everyone now?" She asked me. "Yeah but can you tell them to wait a little bit? I want some time with just him and Izellah for a few minutes after they get back." I said to her. "Yeah. I'll tell them. I understand." She said leaving the room. A few minutes after she left, Harry came back with Izellah. He sit beside me on the bed with Izellah in his arms. "Wanna hold her?" Harry asked me. "Of course I do." I said smiling at him. He handed her to me. "She has your eyes." I said smiling. "She has your nose." He said smiling at me. "Is it weird that I knew this was coming but this seems so unreal? It's like a fairytale." I said rubbing her little hand. "Its perfect. We're a family." He said kissing me softly for a second. "I know. Izellah Nia Styles." I said smiling at her. She smiled a little bit. "That's adorable." I said. I look at Harry. "Aww. Your crying again." I said to him. "Yeah. I love you so much." He said kissing my cheek. "I love you too little princess." He said bending down and kissing Izellah on the cheek.  

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