Chapter 12- Louis the Relationship Counselor

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 Emily's POV.         

The Next Day

I woke up still cuddled up to Harry. He was still asleep so I decided to get up and take a shower. When I got back, he was still asleep. I decided to wake him up. I try shaking him a little while saying his name and he doesn't move an inch. I just on top of him and started kissing him. It worked in just a few seconds. He started smiling.

-"I'm still asleep." He said smiling.

-"Then how are you talking?" I say getting off of him and sitting beside him.

-"I talk in my sleep. I won't wake up til I get another kiss."

-"Fine." I said kissing him. "Now get up and get dressed." I yelled walking out.

I go in the kitchen and find Louis standing there grinning. "Is he up?" he asked me.

-"Now he is. Unless he went back to sleep." I said. "What are you thinking?" I asked him.

-"Did you two have fun last night?" He said smirking.

-"We didn't have sex, Lou. So shut it." I said. He pouted. 

-"Are you upset about that?" He said smugly. I punched his in the shoulder.        

-"No Louis. I am not constantly thinking about that unlike you. We can have a good time without sex." I said getting frustrated.

-"Truth love, I won't tell anyone. Are you a virgin?" He said quietly. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "No shame girl. You'll just have a different meaning of fun when you do it." he said hugging me.

-"Don't tell anyone." I said.

-"I can keep secrets. Does Harry know?" He said. I nodded and I felt like I was fixing to start crying. "Come on, let's sit down." He said pulling me to the couch. "Why are you upset that Harry knows? He still loves you, you know that right?" I just nodded. "What's wrong?"

-"I feel like since he knows he doesn't want to do that and he thinks of me different. And I do want to have sex with him but..."He grabs me and hugs me. 

-"Harry wants to do that when your ready. He does think of you different. Different meaning better than good. He loves you and he thinks you are good enoguh to have sex with so don't think that. When your ready just tell him, or take it upon yourself. Trust me, the way he looks at you he is attracted to you like that. Ask anyone in this house, well other than your mum. She probably wouldn't like that question too much." He laughed. "You okay now?" 

-"Yeah. Thanks Lou. I love you... like your my brother." I giggled.

-"Love you too,  little sis. Do you want me to check on Harry?" I nodded.

-"Have fun." I said to him as he headed to my room.

Harry's POV.

I can't believes she thinks that I don't like her as much because of something like that. That doesn't change anything. When I heard them talking, I listened. She was upset and I was worried. When she said what was wrong I started getting upset and decided to stay here for a little while. Until,  Lou came in.

-"Hazza, were you listening to me and her conversation?" i looked up and him cause i was sitting on the floor.

-"Yeah. Don't tell her. I don't want her to know I heard." I said as he started to sit beside me locking the bedroom door. "I just can't believe that she thinks that I don't want her like that. I do. So much. I just don't wanna make her uncomfortable. I don't wanna lose her." 

-"Your not gonna lose her. She wants to have sex with you too. If you both just have sex the world would be okay" He said sarcastically. "I'm playing but seriously you two need to talk about this. This being sex, not random crap you can come up with." He said looking at me serious. 

-"You're right. Let's go. I'm gonna go get her and were gonna talk." I said..

Emily's POV

I look up and see Harry in front of me. Louis walks out the door.        

-"It's about time your up. Where did Louis go?" I asked him.

-"He went for a walk. Can you come with me? We need to talk in private."

-"No one is even awake Harry." I said

-"Not yet but if your mom catches us talking we are gonna be dead, to put it lightly." I nodded and followed him. He shut the door as soon as we got in here. 

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