Chapter 27- Telling the Guys

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Emily's POV

We got back to the house and told everyone we needed to talk to them. Louis was gone and Liam said he went out with Laya. Everyone was sitting in main room, quiet staring at the walls pretty much except for Zayn who was playing on his phone. I wish he would just say what his problem is with me. After about 20 minutes, Louis and Laya walk in holding hands smiling and talking. She throws her bag on the floor by the hallway (which is by the door also). "I'm glad you brought Laya back with you. She needs to be here too." I said. He walked over and sit on the floor and Laya sit next to him. Zayn looked up and smiled at Laya and went back to his phone. "Okay. Just say it because it's way too quiet in here." Louis said. "Are you pregnant?" Liam asked. I looked at him shocked. How the hell did he have any idea I was pregnant? "Actually, Yeah." I said. Zayn looked up and dropped his phone. Everyone else looked shocked except Niall who looked confused. "You are all fixing to talk at the same time. So, one at a time. Niall?" I said. "So, when you went to your mom's and she got pissed that was because of this isn't it?" Niall said. "Yeah. It was. Anything else Niall?" I said. "Um, since your tell us about this I'm guessing your keeping it. Are you gonna stay here or what?" Niall said still looking confused. "As long as it doesn't bother y'all yeah. The baby will be our responsibility and you won't have to do anything with it so yeah. Anything else?" I said. "Nope I'm good. If you guys are happy about this, then congrats." He said running to the kitchen to get food. "Liam? How did you know and what are your questions?" I said. "My room is across from yours and its not that shocking. My only question is how much longer?" He said. "Sorry about the first part. I have about seven and a half months left. So, I actually got pregnant before we moved in here. Louis?" I said. "I really guess I don't have any questions except are you guys happy about this or not because I don't know what to say." Louis said. "Yeah we are happy. We are engaged and having a baby. What's not to be happy about." Harry said. "Well then congratulations." Louis said smiling. "Laya?" I said. "Harry, did you just ask her to marry you because she was pregnant with your kid?" Laya said. "I actually asked her before she told me. So, no I didn't." Harry said. "Zayn?" I asked looking at him to see him looking mad. "I have no questions or anything." He said walking off. "What's Zayn's problem? He was fine earlier." Laya said. "I'm in the room. Thats the problem Laya. I'm going to go talk to him" I said. "Want me to come with you?" Harry asked me. "No. That'll make things worse." I said getting up and knocking on Zayn's door. He opened the door and shook his head. I walked in and shut the door. "I wanna know what your problem is with me." I said sitting on the edge of his bed. "I don't have one." He said mumbling. "Tell me the fucking truth Zayn. You haven't ever liked me. Why?" I said. "You wanna know the truth. I think your in this for money and fame. First, your his girlfriend who has one friend. Now, your pregnant with his kid. This is what you wanted to happen. You probably love this right now. Your getting married and your pregnant. This is great for publicity and it'll bring in lots of money and attention. That's what you want money, attention and fame." He said loudly. "No I don't. I've never been about that. I actually love Harry and yes I am happy about this. Not about the money, attention and fame you claim I want. I'm happy about this because I genuinely care about Harry and this baby. I love him and I'm excited to have a family with him. I don't understand why you think that of me. I do love Harry and I care about all of you guys. Niall is my best friend. Louis and Liam, they are good friends and I care about you too even though you can't stand me." I said upset. "I'm sorry." He said quietly. "What?" I said trying to figure out if he just said that. "I'm sorry. It's just that you were so sweet and thats why I thought that it was all an act. I'm sorry. I have been a total ass to you." He said sitting down next to me. "It's fine. You were trying to protect Harry and the guys." I said. "No its not fine." He said hugging me lightly. "I would really like to get to know you better since I never really gave you a chance before." He said letting go of me. "That sounds good." I said smiling at him. "We should get back to the others. They'll be worrying soon." He said standing up. "Okay, lets go." I said standing up and going to the door. We went back to the main room and everyone was still sitting there and Niall was eating chips. "Everything okay?" Harry said as I sit down beside him. "Actually yeah. Everything's sorted out." I said smiling. "That's good." He said. "So, whats the plans for tonight?" I asked. "I don't know." Niall said eating. "I guess your staying, Laya" I said to her. "Yeah, I am." She said smiling and looking at Louis. "I think I'm gonna go bed." I said getting up. "Let's go." Harry said grabbing my hand. "Goodnight guys." I said shutting the door. 

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