Chapter 10- Seeing him again:)

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 Emily's POV

It's 3pm. The guys are on their way. Mom is in the living room helping Mikayla put in a movie.  I'm excited to see them again. My phone goes off.

Harry- Be there in 5 minutes. See you soon. x

I replied -   k. see you soon. xx. ;)

I turn around and see Mom. 

-"You nervous?" she asks        

-"A little. It's the first time we have seen each other in a while other than skype and last time the only people who knew was Louis and Niall, Liam and Josh kinda knew but the only one who actually knew for sure was Louis." i said.

-"Don't mind me. If you wanna start making out with him as soon as he walks in the door go for it."

-"MOM! Are you even serious?" I scream. Mikayla turns around, smiles, and gets back to watching Toy Story.

-"I would rather not with your sister right there but what I mean is don't be shy about it in front of me. They're here. Just thought you might want to know that." I glare at her and walk to go open the door. 

Louis is there when I open the door. He wasn't paying attention and I probably scared him to death because I just started hugging him the second I saw him.

-"Well. Hello to you too." He said.

-"Hi. I missed you." letting go of him. 

Then Niall and Liam walked in I gave them all hugs. Then Harry walked in. Before he could shut the door, I jumped on him and started hugging him.

-"I missed you too." He said smiling and playing with my hair. I looked at him and kissed him. He pulled away grinning at me confused. I decided to get off of him finally, grab his hand and pull him to the kitchen. 

I look in the living room. Everyones sitting on the couchs except Niall who is sitting on the floor with Mikayla on his lap. 

-"So. Why'd all the guys have to come?" Harry said smiling at me.         

-"I can't tell you. Mom's gonna tell you guys tonight." I say. 

-"Is it good?" I just nodded. "So thanks for attacking me when I walked in." He said starting to laugh.

-"Sorry about that.." I say going back to cooking. 

-"Anytime. I just thought with your mom and all."

-"She's good with it. Trust me." 

-"And I'm guessing that's your sister." He said pointing to my sister in the other room still sitting on Niall. 

-"Yeah. She's a fan of you guys but mainly Niall." I said.

-"I can tell." 

I got done cooking and we all stayed in the front room eating and watching the rest of the movie. I sit in between Niall who still is holding my sister(while he is eating), and Harry. The movie ended and everyone was done eating. My little sister went in her room to play and mom decided to start talking.

-"Your probably wondering why your here?" Everyone other than Harry nodded. "Harry, do you know?" She asked and he shook his head telling her no. "Instead of driving to a hotel while your waiting to get your place. The five of you can stay here." They all looked at her in shock except Harry who looked at me.

-"Are you sure this would be okay with you babe? I don't wanna rush you into anything." I just look at him and smile. 

-"The whole thing sounds good to me. You haven't heard all of it yet." I said to Harry.

-"Wait a minute. This sounds good but we really can stay over there. It's not a problem and we don't wanna be in the way." Liam says.

-"You're not gonna be in the way. If you were, I wouldn't have offered. And I haven't finished." she says. "We have 2 extra rooms. The room arrangements are already figured out. Before anyone says anything I did this without Emily's help." They look at me confused then back at mom. "Liam and Niall. Zayn and Louis. Harry you can stay in Emily's room."

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