Chapter 16- Louis knows

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Emily's POV. 

So I just woke up, with my head on Harry chest, lying there naked together. The sun is shining. I remember what happened. How could I not? I guess we fell asleep after, but the question is did my mom find us in here like this. I look over at the in table next to my bed and see a note. I lift up and grab it trying not to wake Harry up but I did. He looked at me and smiled

"Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling?" He said. 

"Good morning to you too. I'm great, just a little sore but good." I said smiling back at him. 

"What's that?" He asked pointing to the note.

"I don't know. I know we didn't lock the door and now its locked. I know that it was dark after and now its 11 in the morning." I said. opening the letter.

Congrats on having sex! HAHAHAHAHA! Love you two. Glad your cute. Your mom and the others have no idea. I came in your room, saw you two, wrote this note, left it on the table, locked the door and walked out. Your welcome. :) 


"Well at least only Louis knows." Harry said smiling at me. 

"Yeah. We need to get up and get dressed." I said starting to get up but Harry grabbed my waist.

"One kiss." He said smiling. I kissed him but he didn't let go. "Last night was incredible. I love you babe."

"I love you too Harry." I said smiling at him. "Now get dressed so we can go in their because I'm hungry"

"Okay." We got up got dressed and before going out the door I stopped him.

"Remember mom and the guys think nothing happened. Let them believe that." He nodded and we went to the kitchen.

Louis was sitting on the counter watching my mom cook. "Thank you" I mouthed to him. He nodded and smiled.

A week later

My friend Laya who I met at the All Time Low concert 6 months ago is coming over to spend the day and stay the night. She's a directioner. So I'm kinda worried but then again I don't think that she will freak out too much.

"She's here if she freaks out don't say I didn't warn you." I said to the guys.

I open the door. 

"I missed you I haven't seen you in half of a year!" Laya said as she was hugging me. She had on a crop top and a pair of shorts. 

The guys are all sitting down then all of a sudden Louis is right behind me. 

"I'm Louis." He said grinning like an idiot. 

"I'm Laya." She said shyly. I went and sat down by Harry cause I got tired of standing there. 

"Wake UP!" Liam screamed at them. They quickly moved and Louis helped her put her stuff in the room she's staying at.

"Someone likes Laya." Niall says. 

"Its obvious she likes him too. They stood in the freaking doorway smiling at each other for 15 minutes." I said.

"We make them go on a date together." Harry said like he just figured it out. 

"I think we already had that figured out." I said smiling at him. "Where's Zayn?"

"Who knows" Liam said.

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