Chapter 2- Why Am I In Here?

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 Emily's P.O.V

So I'm sitting on a bench with my mom as Harry is talking to Paul. I'm still trying to figure out what is going on. 

-"Mom, do you have any idea what's going on?" I say as i look at her. She looks like she's fixing to start laughing at any second and I have no clue why.

-"If I could guess, I would say Harry has a crush on you and is trying to convince them to let you stay in here. Thats why he is doing this" She said. I know I had to of gave her a look like she was the stupidest person in the world. Harry Styles having a crush on me. Me? I think she's exaggerating. "You asked. Thats what I think." she stopped talking fast.

-"What?" I said. Still looking at her.        

-"Niall is walking over here. If your gonna scream,  please go elsewhere." She said very calmly.

-"Hi. Not being rude or anything. Who are you?" Niall Horan is seriously standing here talking to me.. 

- "Hello and your not being rude. I'm Emily and this is my mom. Before you ask me, I have no idea why I am in here. You would have to ask Harry that." I said.

-"Oh. I see." He said grinning. Why is everyone grinning so much... "I'm Niall which you probably knew. Do you have anything you want me to sign or do you want a picture or something before I go eat?"

-"Yeah, if its not a problem both actually." I said

-"No problem." He signed my paper and we took a picture. "Well I will probably see you after while. I was nice meeting you." he said and hugged me and walked away.

I sat back down as he walked away. What does he mean he'll probably see me after while? Why was he grinning? I'm trying to figure all this out. 

Mom wasn't saying anything and decided to call my grandma and check on my sister to make sure everything was okay. Harry turned around and started coming back to where me and my mom was sitting. When he got back, he stood and waited for my mom to get off the phone before he started talking again.  After a few minutes, she got off the phone.

-"So everything's good. I talked to Paul and he said it was okay. So come on and lets go." Harry said. He came back kinda nervous and happy. I still don't understand and my mom keeps looking at you like, I told you so.. I'm totally ignoring these looks now..

-"So, after the show tonight were all going to IHOP. Do you wanna go?" He says looking at me like he is dying for me to hurry up and answer. I look at my mom. I don't know if she's in a hurry to get home tonight or not. 

-"Since she's not gonna answer, yes we will but only if i pay for ours." My mom blurts out. 

-"We don't mind to pay but as long as you'll come." He says smiling. Paul walks up to him and whispers something in Harry's ear. 

-"Give me your tickets." Harry looks at me and says grinning. 

-"Why do you want my tickets?" I say wondering whats going on. My mom hands them to him. He hands them to Paul and Paul hands him tickets and two laminates back. Then, Paul walks off. 

-"Seriously. What Harry I'm so confused?"

-"Here. Now you have front row seats and backstage passes." He said smiling and handing them to me.. 

-"Why? Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him. He looks at me serious and changes the subject.

-"So. Have you ever been to the very top of this building?" He asks.

-"No, I've been pretty close but not all the way. Why?" I say in a very annoyed voice.

-"I wanna go. Will you go?" Harry asks. 

-"Umm. Yeah, i guess. Mom?" I said asking my mom if she was gonna go.

-"Go ahead. I'm gonna call and check on your sister and tell your grandma that its gonna be pretty late when we get in." she said and we walk away.

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