Chapter 32- Drunk Problems and Baby Names

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 Laya's POV

I met up with the guys 2 hours ago. They are already wasted other than me and Liam. Tonight is the first night I've been around Louis drunk and he isn't just a little drunk. He is overly drunk. I learned I don't really want to know what he is like drunk. He is a really bad sexual drunk. Really bad."Liam." I said. "Ready to get these idiots home?" He asked me. "Yes please." I said. I turned around to Louis. "You ready to go home?" I said to him knowing he would be ready especially the way he is being. "Of course I am babe." He said kissing me hard. I pulled away after a couple of seconds. "I really like that dress." He said slurred. "I got Zayn." Liam said walking up holding Zayn around the waist who was about to pass out. We walked out to the car. The whole way home Louis kept constantly talking about he wants to have sex with me. Zayn passed out. "We are horrible supervisor." Liam said looking at me. "Yeah." I said playing on my phone. After we got home, Louis and Liam carried Zayn in who was still passed out. "I'm gonna stay up a while and make sure Louis doesn't pull anything with you or Emily. He has no control per himself when he is drunk." Liam whispered in my ear while Louis was in the bathroom. "Thanks Li." I said back to him. He nodded and sit on the couch. "Hey babe. You ready to go to bed?" He said standing in the hallway, grabbing my waist pulling me close to him. "I don't want to Louis. Your drunk. Tomorrow when your not drunk yes I would love to. But not when your this drunk." I said to him. He pushed me against the wall and starting kissing me hard. Liam pulled him off of me. I started crying. I know Liam said he loses all control when he gets drunk but I didn't realize he would be like this. Liam took him to his room and shut the door. "You okay babe?" He said hugging me. "Yeah. I can't believe he did that." I said crying. "Like I said he has no clue what he does. He won't even remember anything tomorrow. I'm sorry though that you had to go through that." He said holding me tight. I nodded. "Thanks Liam." I said. We heard laughing coming from Harry and Emily's room. "Get your mind off of Louis. Go see what they are up to why don't you." He said letting go of me. I nodded and walked to their door.

Emily's POV

It's been an hour since the guys and Laya left. Me, Harry and Niall just got done eating and we are going to me and Harry's room to look up names. Niall got his laptop to show us something he found. Me and Harry sit on the bed and Niall ran in and sat on the floor. "You can sit up here you know?" Harry said looking at him. "I like the floor." Niall said typing on his laptop. "I found this name and its a really good name and it means little princess." He said sitting his laptop on the bed. Harry read the screen. "Izellah (is-lell-ah). Meaning little princess." Harry said. "Izellah. I like it." I said smiling. "I thought you would. I like the meaning." Niall said smiling. "Do you like that name?" Harry said rubbing my stomach. She started kicking. "I think she likes it." He said smiling. "What does mommy think?" Niall said. "I think we should go with it. Izellah Styles. It's really cute." I said. "Whats your middle name and the meaning? You could use it for hers too." Niall asked me grabbing his computer. "Marie. I have no idea what any of my name means." I said to him. He typed something in. "Marie, meaning bitter and rebellion." Niall said laughing. Harry started laughing also. "We aren't using that. I don't want to name a kid with rebellion and bitter in it." I said starting to laugh. "You can be a little bitter sometimes. I don't see much rebellion though." Harry said stopping laughing. I glared at him. "I see rebellion. You went upstair with some famous guy you don't know and swap spit with him while your mom is downstairs. Him and his friends end up living with you and you end up having sex while your mom is telling you not to and now we are picking out baby names." He said hyper and matter-of-factly. We all started busting up laughing. After a few minutes we heard knocking at the door. "Come in." Niall yelled. Liam opened the door with Laya standing beside him looking like she had been crying. "Be nice to her please. Louis is being an ass." Liam said walking away. "What happened babe?" Niall said. "Louis got really drunk." Laya said sitting down beside Niall. "And he tried to force you to have sex with him." Harry said. She nodded. "Lets not talk about that what are you guys talking about." She said leaning on Niall's shoulder looking at the computer screen. "We figured out the baby's first name is going to be Izellah." I said to her. "Thats really pretty. Meaning?" She asked. "Little princess" Niall said. She nodded. "So, your not using your middle name then right?" Niall said smiling at me. "No, definitely not." I said smiling. "Why not?" Laya asked confused. "It means bitter and rebellious." Harry said smiling. "I understand now." Laya said. "Go through this list and find something. I gotta go to the bathroom." Niall said handing Harry the laptop and leaving the room. "I like that." I said pointing at a name. "Seriously? Just like that?" Harry said laughing. "I've actually been thinking about that name for awhile. Your a smarty pants you can figure it out." I said smiling at him. "I actually don't have an idea." Harry said confused. "Let me see this." I said taking the laptop and sitting it on the bed and typing in the search engine so he can understand. I typed in Nia, then I stopped for a second. "If you add two letters what name does it make." I said to him smiling. He looked at me confused. I typed the restNiall. "Now do you understand. For once I'm smarter than you." I said smiling. "I like that idea." He said smiling at me. "The name part. Not the you being smarter than me." He said grinning. "What name are you talking about?" Laya asked. "Nia." I said. "For a middle name." I added. "Nia. Almost like Niall. I like it. I mean he is both of you guys best friend and the godfather and he is always there when you need him." Laya said. "Izellah Nia Styles. Really cute name. Sounds like a princess. What does Nia mean though?" Harry said smiling. "I typed it in the search. "Nia means radiance." I read out loud. "A radiant little princess. Sounds perfect." He said smiling, rubbing my stomach. "You need to stop talking every time you talk she kicks." I said. "She has a name." Harry said. "Fine. Izellah kicks." I said. "Figure anything out?" Niall said walking in the room. "Yes we did, actually Emily did. I think you might like it." Harry said smiling at him. "What is it?" Niall said sitting down. "Izellah Nia." I said looking at him. "Why Nia?" He said confused. "Guys are such idiots." Laya said laying down on the floor. "Take the L's out of your name, you get Nia." Harry explained. "Is that why?" Niall said looking at me. "Of course it is. Your my best friend and your really good to her and she isn't even here yet." I said smiling. He got up and hugged me. "Thank you." Niall said. "No problem." I said. 

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