Chapter 3- I can't believe this.

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Emily's POV

We are walking around the arena because the escalator is on the other side of the arena. 

-"So. How old are you?" Harry randomly asks me.

-"17." I tell him.

-"That's cool.." He says. I'm getting so annoyed right now. I just want him to tell me why he's doing this.

-"Tell me why you are doing this. Why did you let me come in with you? Why did you get me front row seats? Why backstage passes? Why invite me to IHOP? Why did you do any of this for me? Please just tell me cause I am so confused right now. I don't understand any of this." I ask him very irritated. I'm so annoyed right now. 

-"Are you gonna stand here by the escalator or get on it? I will tell you when we get up there.." He said.  I get on the escalator. 

-"So.. Why?" I said looking at him.

-"Because I want to get to know you. You seem like a nice person. You didn't freak out when you met me. And you don't look bad." He said as he looked around. By the time he finished the sentence, I seriously know I was as red as a stop sign. "So. Are you gonna say anything?" He asked me nervously.

-"Thanks." I said getting off. 

-"Wanna walk around before we go to the very top? Wanna look out that window over there?" He asked and I nodded. 

-"Wow. We are way high than it seems. Its beautiful.." I say looking out the window. Harry just grins looking at me. 

-"Wanna go find the highest seat?" He asked me.         

-"Yeah. Sure." I said smiling. I probably look like a total idiot but I don't care.

We get to the very top after about 20 steps and sit down. "Wow" I say looking down at the stage. 

-"I didn't realize this place was so big." I said looking around then I look at Harry. "And you guys sold this place out." He just smiled

-"What do you really think about me? What do you mean by telling me that I don't look bad? Why?" He chuckles a little and looks at me.

-"You ask a lot of questions.. but okay. You're different. Truthfully your beautiful." He said shyly. Harry Styles actually is shy about this. Wow. I seriously didn't know that was possible.

-"You think I'm beautiful." I sit there looking around anywhere but looking at him.. "I'm not beautiful."

-"Don't say that. You are. You might not think so but you are." he said. I decide to look at him and he is just looking at me in shock. Like I said the worst thing ever.

We both just sit there in totally silence looking at the arena for about 4 or 5 minutes.

-"Look at me." He said quietly. "I know your probably fixing to either walk away or slap me but either way your keeping the tickets."

-"Why am I gonna..." He kissed me. Harry just kissed me.. His lips were soft and gentle. I didn't kiss him back. I didn't know what to do. After a few seconds he pulled away and scooted back in his seat.

-"Well at least you didn't leave or slap me." He said. "Whats wrong?" He noticed me just sitting there in shock.

-"Your probably mad at me now, aren't you?" I said. I was about to cry. I am trying so hard not to.

-"Don't cry." He said quietly, lifting out of his seat hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just a little confused.. Why would I be mad? Why are you so upset? And why didn't you kiss me back?" He asked saying the last one under his breath thinking I didn't hear it but I did. I let go of him and sit back.

-"I don't want you to be mad I didn't kiss you back. That answers you first two questions. The reason I didn't kiss you back is because I was in shock and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to tell you this cause I know you'll think I'm stupid." I say looking at him.

-"I'm not mad and why would you think I would think your stupid." He said looking concerned.

-"I've never kissed anyone. Everyone always made fun of me. I never had a boyfriend and kiss anything like this. Now I'm home schooled cause I got picked on so bad." He looked shocked after I got done talking.... 

-"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't have done it. I had no idea. I just have been wanting to do that since I met you and I wasn't gonna do it in front of your mum." Harry said.

-"It's okay don't be sorry. I just didn't know what to do. I didn't wanna look like an idiot. I'm sorry..." I told Harry. 

-"I know right now is probably a bad time but the lads will be getting back soon and your mom is down there so we might not be alone again tonight. I know we haven't know each other long but I feel like we can talk to each other about pretty much anything and I really like you. So I was wondering. Will you be my girlfriend? I know we still have three months of tour before we get off. Then I could see you after tour. But anyways, will you be my girlfriend?" He said really fast but I understood all of it.

-"Of course I will Harry. I would love to be your girlfriend. I've told you pretty much everything about me and your so easy to talk to. You seem like a really great guy. Of course Harry." I said smiling. He reached over,  grabbed my hand and intertwined are fingers. "Three things though.."

-"Okay, anything." He said smiling.

-"One. My mom can't know about this not now. I will tell her later when she's in a good mood before you get back. Two, we talk every day or night no matter what time. Three, no cheating." I say looking him in the eye.

-"No problem. You'll handle your mom later. The second one I'll have to have your phone number and I'll give you mine. The third one, wouldn't think of it. I finally found a totally incredible girl. Why in the world would I cheat on her?" He said smiling. 

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