Chapter 34- Dad.

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Emily's POV

I changed into this ([polyvore]) and called in the food. Pasta and pizza. Pasta for my and mom and pizza for my little sister and the guys. After a few minutes, I heard a knock at the door. "They're early." Harry said from the kitchen. "No shit." I said getting off the couch. He smiled and I went to the door. "Sorry we're early." Mom said as I opened the door. "You're fine come in. Actually Harry wanted to talk to you two about doing something for the baby room." I said hugging Mikayla. "Hi baby." She said rubbing my stomach. I smiled. "Did you ever come up with a name?" My mom said sitting on the couch. Harry sit on the other couch, I sit down next to him and Mikayla sat next to me. "Actually last night. Izellah Nia." I said, not saying the last name on purpose. "That's a pretty good name. Why did you choose that?" She asked. "Izellah means little princess and Harry and Niall call her that all the time so it fits and Nia because its close to Niall and Niall has been there for me a lot through this and he is my best friend and one of Harry's best friends." I said. She nodded. "So, who's last name?" She asked. "His." I said."INS." She said. "Yeah." I said. "How do you spell Izellah?" She asked. "I-Z-E-L-L-A-H." I said. "Thats pretty." She said. "So, the baby's name is going to be Izellah?" Mikayla asked Harry, not me who was sitting right beside her. Instead she gets up and sits on Harry's lap and ask him, which makes my mom kinda irritated since she is still getting used to this whole thing. "Yes it is, Mikayla." He said to her. "What's its whole name?" She asked him. "Izellah Nia Styles." He said to her. "Thats cute. Whats your whole name?" She asked him. "Harry Edward Styles." He said. "Thats a good name too. Guess what my name is?" Mikayla asked him. "Mikayla.." He stopped while he was "thinking". "My name is Mikayla Marie Smith." she said smiling. "That is a really pretty name." He said smiling at me. "Where's Niall?" She asked him. "Niall!" I said. "Yup!" He yelled coming out of Zayn's room. "Hey Mikayla. How are you baby girl?" He said sitting where she was at next to me. She jumped off Harry's lap and jumped on Niall hugging him. He hugged her for a while then she sit on his lap and smiled. "I'm good." She said smiling at him. When the food came Niall and Mikayla got everyone out of their rooms. They went in Zayn's room to get Liam and Zayn and then they knock on Louis door and yelled at Louis and Laya because who know what they were doing in there. After supper, Harry asked them about doing the handprints. "Let Mikayla go first. I'll be there in a second. I wanna talk to Harry." Mom said. Me and Niall took her to the room. "Whoa. This is awesome." Mikayla said smiling. "Wanna know who did it?" I said. "Who?" She asked me. "Niall and Harry." I said to her smiling. "You can do this too! Your so amazing." She said hugging him. "Thank you." Niall said hugging her. After a few minutes, she did her handprints in pink and I took her to the bathroom so she could wash her hands. After we got down she went to get mom. "You did good on the room, Harry." She said sweetly. "Thank you." Harry said. "I got told I was amazing and I got a hug too!" Niall said sitting on the couch. Harry smiled for a second and shook his head. Mom looked irritated. "Can I play Wii with Niall and Louis?" Mikayla asked Mom. "Sure. Just don't bother them." She said. "She won't. We like playing with her." Louis said from the couch. "Wanna come do this?" I asked her grabbing Harry's hand. "Yeah." She said. Me and Harry walked in front of her and she followed. We went in the room. "This is really nice. What if it's a boy though?" She asked. "Then me and Niall have more work to do." Harry said. "Why are you so negative about all of this? We are happy and you don't accept of any of this." I blurted out. "I'm not. It's just hard to think of my 17 year old daughter being pregnant. You'll understand when Izellah is your age and has a boyfriend. You'll worry about this stuff too. It's not that I don't like Harry because I think he is right for you. It just the fact your my daughter who is fixing to have a baby and who's engaged." She said. "I guess I understand. Did you tell dad?" I asked her. "He was upset you didn't tell him." She said. "I didn't tell him because I knew he would freak out." I said. "He didn't really freak out he was just upset." She said. "Okay." I said. She did her handprints and we went back to the living room after another hour of MarioKart Wii they left. "I'm going to call my dad." I said getting up and going to the bedroom. Harry followed me. "I'll be quiet, I'm just here for if you get upset." He said shutting the bedroom door. I nodded and laid on the bed. I dialed his number.

Emily: Hey dad. 

Dad: Emily. How are you doing? Mom told me you were pregnant.

Emily: Yeah. I'm doing good. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Dad: Why did you not want to tell me?

Emily: Because you have a bad temper and I was worried what you were going to do.

Dad: I'm sorry. So how far are you? Mom only told me you were pregnant no details at all.

Emily: Seven months. 

Dad: So two more months then. Due date?

Emily: Middle of March.

Dad: Is it a girl or boy? Do you have any names?

Emily: It's a girl, we're naming her Izellah Nia

Dad: So, is the dad still in the picture?

Emily: I guess mom didn't tell you.

Dad: No, tell me what?

Emily: The dad is Harry. He is still in the picture. We're engaged. I've been living with him for a little over six months now. Him and the guys are the friends I'm living with. 

Dad: When did you get engaged?

Emily: Before I told him I thought I was pregnant.

Dad: How long had you been having sex before you got pregnant?

Emily: Are you seriously asking me that dad.

Dad: I'm just wondering

Emily: I got pregnant the first time. 

Dad: How? 

Emily: I guess bad birth control. I mean, we took all the precautions.

Dad: Did he use a condom?

Emily: Yes dad. He did.*Harry started laughing and I slapped him*

Dad: He's there isn't he. /He said laughing/

Emily: Yeah he is.

Harry: Hello.

Dad: You being good to my daughter?

Harry: As good as I can be. I'm trying.

Dad: That's all I care about. Are you both ready for the baby?

Emily: Yeah, I definitely am. Pretty excited 

Dad: Harry, you nervous, excited? 

Harry: More excited then anything but kinda nervous. 

Dad: What are you nervous about?

Harry: That I won't be a good dad to Izellah.

Dad: It comes natural. You'll be okay.

Emily: Let's not talk about this.

Dad: I'm sorry about the past. There isn't anything I can do. I'm trying to make things better.

Emily: You've tried to make things for the past 17 years.

Dad: Things are changing.

Emily: You always say that! I'm hanging up because I don't need to get upset. It's not good for Izellah.

Dad: One question about her. I'm saying that because I can't understand her name through the phones it static. Who's last name? Your grandma might wanna know.

Emily: Okay. If you don't like the static you should try coming around once in a while. Izellah is going to have Harry's last name. Her name is Izellah Nia Styles. And my grandma does know and will see her. Elle will not have anything to do with her or me ever again. She missed that chance a long time ago when she decided not to talk to me for 3 years. I said then hanging up. 

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