8 | The White Continent

Start from the beginning

"What're you doing!?"

"Shh! Wolves outside!" She whispered and started rummaging through her bag. She let out a relieved sigh when she found what she was looking for.

"What's that?" He asked.


"How will that help?"

"Their lungs lose oxygen and shortly after, they lose their consciousness too." She handed him a bottle too. "Cover your face and hands then spray it right on their snouts." He nodded and they stepped out after covering themselves.

Only she knew that chloride weakens a werewolf's energy and brings death in one's unconscious state itself, but not instantly.

There were 6 of them. One by one both of them handled each of the wolves and came out safely without any injuries.

"Now what?" Alphard asked.

"Drag them to the opposite side, far from our place." They began doing as she said and came back an hour later.

Luna was relieved that the transformation didn't take place in Alphard's presence. By the time their bodies start transforming back to humans they'd be already dead.

"You know much about wolves," He said.

Werewolves Alphard, werewolves.

"Don't mind. You good enough to carry out on the mission, or need some rest?" She asked. Dragging wolves wasn't easy, they were pretty heavy.

"I'm good, let's go." He replied. They restored the chloride bottles in and she pulled out another similar one. "Another one?"

"It's hydrogen," She replied.

"What do we need that for?"

"It'll help us stay downwind so the animals around don't catch our scent."

And so wouldn't the werewolves.

"Oh, I recall it from the wildlife documentaries you made me watch, not the hydrogen liquid part though." He took it from her and sprayed over his clothes.

They followed the map and made to the end some 1 and a half hour later. The place was built well enough to carry research and was between so many glaciers. They took hiding behind one and watched people walk in and out.

Seeing shifters outside their door, Luna was sure her descision to make the search here was right and that she'd surely get her answers here.

"Will it be okay if I get to the other side and leave you here alone for a while? That way we could get more information," She asked.

"Okay, be careful though." Her heart skipped a beat.

Stop worrying about me and making me fall for you even harder! She masked her joy.

"Don't worry about me. You stay alert, be on guard from both the sides___"

"Shh!" He placed his left index over her lips and pulled her down. They stood up after a few seconds. "Phew, that was close."

"I'll leave, I've no doubts now. You can handle it here."

She was sure of it for he'd managed to protect them in between their conversation while she there had failed to sense a shifter that passed by, he could've seen them if not for Alphard's quick move.

Alphard there felt proud to receive so many compliments from her since the day began. He quickly shook his thoughts away and focused on the task.

She made her way through the icy rocks and was now standing close to a window. She could see someone moving from outside.

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